artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Is More Artificial Than Intelligent | WIRED

Submitted by ruggia on Mon, 09/04/2017 - 15:22

DEEPMIND HAS SURPASSED the human mind on the Go board. Watson has crushed America's trivia gods on Jeopardy. But ask DeepMind to play Monopoly or Watson to play Family Feud, and they won't even know where to start. Because these artificial intelligence engines weren't specifically designed to play these games and aren't smart enough to figure them out by themselves, they'll give nonsensical answers.

Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Large-scale automation
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Au-delà des fantasmes, quels sont les problèmes concrets que pose l’intelligence artificielle ?

Submitted by ruggia on Mon, 09/04/2017 - 15:18 (03.08.2017) Les récents progrès de ces technologies posent, dès à présent, des questions moins spectaculaires, mais bien plus concrètes.

Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Au-delà des fantasmes, quels sont les problèmes concrets que pose l’intelligence artificielle ?

Submitted by ruggia on Fri, 08/04/2017 - 10:34

Les récents progrès de ces technologies posent, dès à présent, des questions moins spectaculaires, mais bien plus concrètes. Par MORGANE TUAL Temps de lecture : 9 min « Je n’arrête pas de tirer la sonnette d’alarme, mais tant que les gens ne verront pas des robots descendre dans la rue pour tuer tout le monde, ils ne sauront pas comment réagir. » Ces propos inquiétants sont signés Elon Musk, le patron de Tesla et de Space X, et grand adepte des coups médiatiques.

Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
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Uber: sus primeros coches autónomos arrancan operaciones en Pittsburgh

Submitted by ruggia on Wed, 07/26/2017 - 12:16 (14.09.2016) Pues al final Uber logró adelantarse a todos, bueno, casi a todos si no contamos el caso de NuTonomy en Singapur, ya que hoy la compañía ha arrancado con la operación de sus primeros coches autónomos que estarán dando servicio en las calles de Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, tal y como lo prometieron hace un mes.

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United States
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
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How artificial intelligence can deliver real value to companies

Submitted by ruggia on Wed, 07/26/2017 - 10:31

McKinsey Global Institute (30.06.2017) Companies new to the space can learn a great deal from early adopters who have invested billions into AI and are now beginning to reap a range of benefits. After decades of extravagant promises and frustrating disappointments, artificial intelligence (AI) is finally starting to deliver real-life benefits to early-adopting companies. Retailers on the digital frontier rely on AI-powered robots to run their warehouses—and even to automatically order stock when inventory runs low. Utilities use AI to forecast electricity demand.

Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
Big Data
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Where machines could replace humans--and where they can’t (yet)

Submitted by ruggia on Wed, 07/26/2017 - 10:24

McKinsey Quarterly (25.07.2016) The technical potential for automation differs dramatically across sectors and activities. As automation technologies such as machine learning and robotics play an increasingly great role in everyday life, their potential effect on the workplace has, unsurprisingly, become a major focus of research and public concern. The discussion tends toward a Manichean guessing game: which jobs will or won’t be replaced by machines?

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Large-scale automation
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Russian, US Scientists Team Up to Create World's Most Advanced Quantum Computer - Sputnik International

Submitted by -filhon on Wed, 07/19/2017 - 16:03
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Russian Federation
Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Old_Global Challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
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Lyft to launch self-driving test in new Uber challenge

Submitted by ruggia on Tue, 06/06/2017 - 18:39

Ride-hailing company partners with nuTonomy in latest battle with US rival

Ride-hailing company Lyft, Uber’s chief US rival, will begin its first pilot programme for self-driving taxis in Boston later this year in conjunction with nuTonomy, the autonomous car start-up.

The partnership will present a new competitive challenge to Uber, which recently fired its top self-driving engineer and is in the middle of a trade secrets lawsuit from Waymo, the self-driving unit of Alphabet.

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United States
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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