
Spain: Layoffs due to COVID-19 still prohibited

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El Diario (26.01.2021) The so-called "forbidden firing" also extends until May 31, which in reality supposes a government veto of objective dismissals motivated by the pandemic. The measure is extended, which has generated two interpretations in the Social Courts: both sentences that declare these dismissals as inadmissible (the majority) , and some that consider them invalid. A Barcelona court has declared a dismissal appropriate in this context .

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Spain: Furhter novelties on the extension of the ERTE

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El Diario (26.01.2021) The most outstanding novelties of this extension of the ERTE until May 31st, are based on facilitating administrative procedures, such as to go from an ERTE of limitation to one of impediment and vice versa, as well as that it is not necessary to re-process the unemployment benefits of workers affected by the extension.

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Spain: Postponement of rent until May 9 for vulnerable persons

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El Diario (26.01.2021) If you are in a vulnerable situation and your landlord is a "large landlord", you can request a postponement of the payment of the rent until May 9. This new decree extends the possibility of requesting a "temporary and extraordinary" postponement if the following conditions: that the tenant is in a situation of vulnerability caused by the coronavirus crisis and that the owner has more than ten properties.

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Spain: Extension of unemployment emergency benefit for the self-employed

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El Diario (26.01.2021) From February the access to the so-called 'unemployment' aid for the self-employed created due to the pandemic will be extended until May 31. There are some changes, among them the requirement of a drop in income from 75% to 50% is relaxed in order to access severance benefits. The requirement of having to have been a beneficiary of the extraordinary benefit for cessation of activity until June 30, during the first state of alarm, in order to benefit from these aid, a criterion that had generated a protection gap, is also abolished .

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Spain: Further extension of the ERTE until May 31st

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El Diario (26.01.2021) The Government has approved this Tuesday a macro-decree with the extension of several labor and social protection measures, part of the so-called 'social shield' against the pandemic. The Council of Ministers has extended the current ERTE model due to COVID practically without changes until next May 31, after Easter, which will also be the new limit for 'unemployment' aid for the self-employed. The ERTE scheme articulated last September is maintained until May 31st, 2021: those aimed at the 'ultra-protected' sectors (considered most affected by the pandemic)

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Spain: New postponements of Social Security contributions for companies and the self-employed

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Social Security State's Secretary (25.01.2021) With the beginning of the year, new moratoriums on Social Security contributions have come into force. These postponements are regulated in Final Provision 43 of Law 11/2020 on General State Budgets for the year 2021 (LPGE) and are aimed at companies and freelancers who are up to date with their obligations and do not have any other postponement in vigor. In the case of self-employed workers, the moratorium covers the quotas whose accrual corresponds to the months of January to March 2021.

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Contribution collection and compliance
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Austria: Extension of higher emergency unemployment assistance

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Government of Austria (20.01.2021) Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the governing parties extended the increased emergency assistance until March 2021, and to pay this out restrospectively (this ended in December 2020). Around 200,000 people per month benefit from the increased emergency aid.

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Global challenges
Social assistance


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Austria: Extended paid leave for pregnant women who cannot work remotely

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Government of Austria (20.01.2021) Extended paid leave for pregnant women who cannot work remotely, and whose work requires close contact with other people, such as teachers, haridressers, beauticians, physiotherapists and masseuses. The measure is in place until June 2021. The regulation also ensures that employers do not experience any financial losses, as the government will reimburse 100% of the wages.

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Germany: More digitalisation in nursing

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German Government (20.01.2021) Thanks to the Act for the Digital Modernisation of Care and Nursing on January 20th, 2021, midwives and other healthcare professionals will in future be able to offer telemedicine services, and will be paid for these. In addition, it is to become easier to use e-prescriptions, even internationally. Besides this, a brief patient file is to be created, meaning that patients will be able to share important information with their doctors even if they are in another EU member state.

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South Africa: Unemployment payments UIF Coronavirus COVID-19' timeline

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South African Government (27.10.2020) The R51 045 255 369.21 billion covers 1 000 824 companies that applied and was disbursed in 11 575 623 payments which is broken down as follows: For April, R21 billion has been paid to 4 240 112 workers through 410 523 employers; The payments for May month stand at just over R12 billion for the benefit of 3 108 611 workers through 280 191 employers; In June, the UIF has so far disbursed R10.5 billion to 2 904 749 workers represented by 217 982 employers; For July/August, R5.7 billion has been paid to 997 499 workers through

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south africa
Global challenges


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