latin america

Reunión sobre Desarrollo Social y COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe

Submitted by mmarquez on

CEPAL (02.04.2020) Esta reunión tuvo como objetivo compartir experiencias sobre el rol de los Ministerios de Desarrollo Social y entidades equivalentes frente a la actual crisis causada por el COVID-19. En especial, interesaba conocer cómo cada institución ha respondido a la pandemia en relación a tres puntos: i) los principales problemas socioeconómicos y prioridades de acción en protección social; ii) las dificultades, desafíos y aprendizajes en la respuesta a la crisis; y, iii) las necesidades de cooperación.

Regions / Country
latin america
Global challenges
Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes


Document Type

América Latina: Guía de medidas laborales frente al COVID-19 en Iberoamérica

Submitted by mmarquez on (2020) Resumen de las principales y primeras medidas laborales que se adoptaron en Iberoamérica para mitigar el desempleo en el contexto de la pandemia.

Regions / Country
latin america
Global challenges


Document Type

Covid-19 and social protection of poor and vulnerable groups in Latin America: a conceptual framework

Submitted by pmassetti on (May 2020) The growing crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic has dire implications for Latin American societies. As is often the case, the most vulnerable segments of society, especially those living in extreme poverty, are being hit the hardest. This article identifies strategies and specific responses designed to achieve three goals: (1) reduce epidemiological risks to save lives; (2) protect livelihoods; and (3) ensure human capital accumulation. Epidemiological externalities as well as humanitarian concerns demand universal social inclusion.

Regions / Country
latin america
Difficult-to-cover groups
Document Type

COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: An overview of government responses to the crisis

Submitted by pmassetti on

oecd (27.04.2020) this note will give an overview of the measures currently being enacted to mitigate the public health situation in different countries of the region, including its social, economic, and governance dimensions.

Regions / Country
latin america
Social policies & programmes


Document Type

Social protection in Latin America: One region two systems

Submitted by pmassetti on (23.01.2020) Social protection systems in Latin America have experienced deep structural change in the last two decades. Policies, programmes and institutions directed at population groups characterised by low incomes and informal employment have emerged across the region.

Regions / Country
latin america
Social policies & programmes
Document Type

América Latina: Maternidad e informalidad laboral

Submitted by dfabbri on

El Liberal (30.09.2019)  A partir del nacimiento del primer hijo, las mujeres reducen su participación laboral, sus horas trabajadas y por ende caen sus ingresos respecto del momento previo al embarazo.

Regions / Country
latin america
Global challenges
Family benefits
Document Type

Calidad del empleo se daña en Amèrica Latina: Cepal

Submitted by dfabbri on

eluniversal (12.08.2019) México, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador y Perú están entre los países en donde la calidad del empleo se deteriora, advirtió la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal). De acuerdo con el Estudio Económico de América Latina y el Caribe 2019, en esas naciones se ha incrementado el número de trabajos por cuenta propia, modalidad en la que hay menos prestaciones de protección social, así como remuneraciones y condiciones laborales menos favorables.

Regions / Country
latin america
Global challenges
Difficult-to-cover groups
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

NIBTT Joins Forces with ISSA to Focus on Compliance Issues

Submitted by dfabbri on

trinidadexpress (08.08.2019) The National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago (NIBTT), in conjunction with the International Social Security Association (ISSA), recently co-hosted a workshop for local and regional social security practitioners.

Regions / Country
latin america
trinidad and tobago


CARICOM Social Security Schemes Urged To Modernise

Submitted by dfabbri on

stluciatimes (17.07.2019)  The 30th Meeting of the Heads of CARICOM Social Security Organisations opened on Tuesday at the Guyana Marriott, with a call from Minister of Education, Dr. Nicolette Henry, for Social Security Schemes to remain relevant by modernising their operations to increase their efficiencies.

Regions / Country
latin america


Document Type