Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

created Title Regions / Country Abstract for publishing measures summary Measure date Description (long-not for publishing) Topics Status Tags URL
Daily and casual workers’ plight appalling sri lanka Transfer of LKR 5000 for 416,764 people who are the recipients of the senior citizens allowance and for 142,345 people who have been identified as adults and are in the waiting list. 2020-03-04 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
COVID-19: How will it affect human capital? indonesia Indonesia’s flagship CCT program, PKH, will receive an additional budget allocation of IDR 8.3 trillion, which will be used to temporarily increase the benefit level by approximately 25 percent for three months and expand the program from 9.2 to 10 million beneficiaries, or 15 percent of the population, starting in April. Payments have been brought forward and will be disbursed monthly instead of quarterly. 2020-04-07 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Saudi Arabia Races to Contain Epidemic in Islam’s Holiest City saudi arabia As per Announcement of King Salman of March 30, 2020, all Saudi citizens, residents, visitors, tourists and illegal immigrants will access testing and treatment services for Coronavirus for free. The government through the ministry of health will cover related expenses. 2020-03-30 Health,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
COVID-19: How will it affect human capital? indonesia Indonesia’s flagship CCT program, PKH, will receive an additional budget allocation of IDR 8.3 trillion, which will be used to temporarily increase the benefit level by approximately 25 percent for three months and expand the program from 9.2 to 10 million beneficiaries, or 15 percent of the population, starting in April. Payments have been brought forward and will be disbursed monthly instead of quarterly. 2020-04-07 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
MOH: Self-Quarantined Workers Coming from Abroad Are on Sick Leave saudi arabia Special paid sick leave for all workers who, as of March 13, 2020, entered the Kingdom from countries abroad shall stay home on sick (quarantined). MOH developed a mobile application called “Sehhaty” to register and apply for the sick leave 2020-03-14 Cash sickness benefits,E-services Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Support for those affected by Covid-19 united kingdom For the duration of the outbreak, the requirements of the Universal Credit Program will be temporarily relaxed for those who have COVID-19 or are self-isolating according to government advice. People will be able to claim Universal Credit and access advance payments upfront without the current requirement to attend a job Centre if they are advised to self-isolate. 2020-03-11 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Universal credit coronavirus increase: how much the benefit is rising, and self-employed worker rules explained united kingdom The UK would raise its main state-paid benefit. The universal credit standard allowance for the next 12 months would increase by 1,000 pounds a year, with the working tax credit basic element rising by the same amount as well. It is expected that the measures will benefit over 4 million of the most vulnerable households. 2020-03-26 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
The BCEAO takes strategic measures to boost e-payment mali To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central Bank (BCEAO) is providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money and making transfers between people backed by electronic money free. The measures are effective for 30 days, renewable. 2020-04-03 E-services Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Québec versera 45 millions pour une prime aux travailleurs agricoles canada Les agriculteurs comptent généralement sur l’aide de travailleurs temporaires originaires du Mexique, du Guatemala et, dans une moindre mesure, du Honduras. Des ralentissements bureaucratiques dans leurs pays d’origine et la fermeture des frontières ont compliqué leur venue au cours des dernières semaines. Afin d’encourager les Québécois à remplacer les travailleurs agricoles étrangers durant la pandémie de COVID-19, Québec débloque 45 millions pour verser des primes de 100 $ par semaine à ceux… 2020-03-17 Cash transfers,Social assistance,Migration Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
UIF, CF safety net intervention details south africa Workers who are affected by the 21-day lockdown or become ill during the outbreak will receive government assistance. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act rights for employees will be activated; through NEDLAC, employers and unions have agreed to negotiate special leave conditions. More details will be announced. 2020-03-24 Cash sickness benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Free treatment for all virus patients thailand The Thai social security agency will cover all medical costs of those infected with COVID-19, including bills from private hospitals. 2020-03-05 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Covid-19 : Communiqués mauritius - Eligible Self-Employed individuals will receive a financial support of Rs 5,100 (i.e. 50% of Guaranteed Income) for the period 16th March 2020 to 15th April 2020. - Self-employed individuals who are either in business (examples: shops, hawkers, hair 2020-04-17 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Policy Responses to COVID-19 thailand Thailand has initiated a multi-prong package for Thai workers forced to return from Korea due to the outbreak. This includes: (i) those who are members of Overseas Workers Fund will be entitled to THB15,000 compensation (also available to member workers who return from other countries that have announced a Covid-19 outbreak); (ii) the Ministry of Labor will coordinate with labor offices Korea to make sure that Thai laborers receive pending wages and benefits (the Department of Employment… 2020-03-04 Cash transfers,Migration Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
INSS vai subsidiar doentes com Covid-19 mozambique O INSTITUO Nacional de Segurança Social (INSS) vai subsidiar os trabalhadores positivos da Covid-19 com um valor correspondente a 70 por cento do salário médio diário. Segundo o director-geral da instituição, para serem elegíveis, os trabalhadores devem ser contribuintes do sistema de segurança social, sendo obrigatória a apresentação do atestado médico 2020-04-21 Cash sickness benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Thailand unveils $17 billion stimulus package to ease coronavirus impact thailand Tax measures will include a reduction in the rate of contributions to the social security fund of employers and employees from a rate of 5% to 0.1% of wages for 3 months (and maintain the same contribution rate of the government at 2.75% of wages and reduce the contribution amount of the insured people while the government pays the same amount). 2020-03-10 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Face aux effets du Covid-19 : Du baume au cœur des agents économiques mali (Maintenance of food prices on the local market by strengthening control by the Directorate General for Trade and Competition.) En ces temps où les offres de produits sont souvent insuffisantes à cause de pratiques commerciales déloyales comme la rétention de produits à des fins de spéculation, des hausses de prix des produits de première nécessité sont généralement constatées et déplorées. À cet effet, il sera procédé, principalement, au renforcement du contrôle des prix appliqués par les… 2020-04-09 Food and nutrition Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
More concessions to public in the face of COVID – 19 outbreak sri lanka Relief will be given for private sector business who face difficulties in paying salaries for the workers. 2020-03-30 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Face aux effets du Covid-19 : Du baume au cœur des agents économiques mali distribution gratuite de 56.000 tonnes de céréales et de 16.000 tonnes d’aliment bétail se dérouleront également sur toute l’étendue du territoire, a assuré le chef de l’État du Mali 2020-04-09 Food and nutrition Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Daily and casual workers’ plight appalling sri lanka Transfer of LKR 5000 to 1,798,655 people who are the recipients of the “samurdhi” allowance (the largest cash-transfer program here) and for 600,339 families who have been identified as recipients of the “samurdhi” allowance and are in the waiting list. 2020-03-04 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Face aux effets du Covid-19 : Du baume au cœur des agents économiques mali Pour anticiper un tel scénario et préserver l’équilibre social et psychologique au sein des ménages, «un fonds spécial de 100 milliards de Fcfa sera alloué aux familles les plus vulnérables, à l’échelle des 703 Communes du Mali», a annoncé le président de la République, Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta 2020-04-09 Cash transfers,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Daily and casual workers’ plight appalling sri lanka Payment of LKR 5000 for 25,320 people who are the recipients of the kidney disease allowance and for 13,850 people who are in the waiting LIST. 2020-03-04 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro… mali La prise en charge, pour les mois d’avril et de mai 2020, des factures d’électricité et d’eau des catégories relevant des tranches dites sociales, à savoir les plus démunies. Il s’agit aussi de l’exonération de la Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée les factures d’électricité et d’eau, de tous les consommateurs, pour les mois d’avril, mai et juin 2020. 2020-04-15 Housing,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Policy Responses to COVID-19 vietnam Cash benefits to: Workers who temporarily stopped working or have been on unpaid leave (VND 1.8 million/person/month); (iv) unemployed workers without unemployment insurance, and self-employed workers (VND 1 million/person/month); (v) households with monthly taxable revenue below VND 100 million/month that temporarily suspended business (VND 1 million/household/month). Benefits will also be provided to poor households. This is part of a cash transfer package worth of VND 36 trillion. The… 2020-04-03 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Policy Responses to COVID-19 vietnam Each poor household will get a monthly allowance of VND1 million ($43), near-poor household get VND 250,000 per month, while social protection beneficiaries would receive an additional of VND500,000 per month on top of the monthly allowance. Employees, small/household businesses that have had to suspend operation and suffer difficulties due to Covid-19 would also be supported with VND1 million per month. This is part of a cash transfer package worth of VND 36 trillion. The allowances would be… 2020-04-03 Social assistance,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants socpro
The UK will pay workers’ wages during the coronavirus pandemic united kingdom Employers will be able to contact HMRC (revenue and customs) for a grant to cover most of the wages of people who are not working that are furloughed and kept on payroll rather than being laid off. Government grants would cover 80% of the salary of retained workers to a total of 2,500 pounds a month. The scheme will cover the cost of wages backdated to March 1 and will initially be open for three months (might be extended if needed). 2020-03-21 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Search Results Web results U.K. To Offer 3 Month Moratorium On Evictions And Mortgage united kingdom Temporary suspension of mortgage payments, fuel duty (for a year), and suspension of new evictions from social or private rented accommodation 2020-03-20 Housing Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Piñera promulga ley de protección al empleo ante emergencia sanitaria por el coronavirus chile Extensión del seguro de cesantía para cubrir el paro parcial. El proyecto permite la suspensión de la relación laboral por un plazo de hasta seis meses, pero impide que el empleador termine el vínculo laboral aduciendo motivos de fuerza mayor. 2020-04-01 Este miércoles el presidente Sebastián Piñera promulgó la Ley de Protección al Empleo, que permite que la gente acceda al Seguro de Desempleo bajo circunstancias excepcionales. La idea es dar protección a los ingresos laborales de las familias ante la emergencia sanitaria por el Covid-19… Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Gobierno presenta medidas de primera respuesta en materia de protección social costa rica Every woman of legal age, not pregnant with symptoms or possible contagion of COVID19, who does not have health insurance coverage, has the protection of the State to be treated in the health services of the CCSS. 2020-03-30 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Asamblea aclara que ISSS pagará salarios del personal en cuarentena el Salvador La Asamblea Legislativa aprobó una interpretación auténtica al decreto 593 de emergencia nacional para aclarar que el Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social "está obligado a cubrir la totalidad del subsidio diario por incapacidad al trabajador o trabajadora con cuarentena". "Todos los trabajadores que estén cumpliendo cualquier tipo de cuarentena por la pandemia del COVID-19 tendrán derecho al subsidio desde el primer día hasta la finalización de dicha cuarentena, no importando… 2020-03-26 Cash sickness benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Ejecutivo regula temporalmente las modificaciones a la jornada de trabajo ante pandemia de COVID-19 panama Paid leave for those in quarantine or recovery (limited specifics available) 2020-03-13 Cash sickness benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
CCSS acuerda medidas para contener morosidad por cuotas de patronos y trabajadores independientes costa rica The CCSS ordered that the readjustments of payment agreements be made more flexible and that interest rates for payment agreements be reduced. The Board of Directors approved the option of making agreements only with the requirement of paying the contributions of the Worker Protection Law - in the case of employers - and for independent workers, only an initial payment of 5% of the arrears will be requested. The measure will apply until 30 June 2020. 2020-03-19 Contribution collection and compliance,Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Implementation of Social Support Measures for COVID 19 trinidad and tobago Additional financial support to recipients of the Public Assistance and Disability Assistance Grants (including the DAG for children), a top up equivalent to the sum of the full three (3) months, depending on the size of the family, to be paid by April 15 2020. Payment for the full three months to be made, $150.00, $300.00 or $450.00 depending on the size of the household. 2020-03-18 Family benefits,Social assistance,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Compensarán con $150 a trabajadores de salud y empleados públicos que apoyen emergencia el Salvador A partir de marzo se dará un bono de $150 dólares mensuales, a todos los empleados del Gobierno que trabajan en Ministerio de Salud, ISSS, ISNA, CONNA, Fosalud (en su totalidad) y los de otras carteras del Gobierno que estén apoyando directamente a combatir la pandemia 2020-03-18 Health,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Coronavírus: INSS suspende exigências por até 120 dias aos segurados brazil Some requirements hitherto mandatory to keep the payment of social security and welfare benefits up to date have been temporarily suspended for 120 days. 2020-03-18 Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Informe de situación en relación al coronavirus COVID-19 en Uruguay uruguay Se ha abierto la línea 0800 7263 para que aquellos trabajadores informales que no estén incluidos en ningún sistema de protección social, puedan registrarse y recibir algún tipo de asistencia alimenticia. 2020-03-27 Food and nutrition,Extension of coverage Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
SPAIN’S €200 BILLION PLAN TO AID ‘AUTÓNOMOS’, EMPLOYERS AND LAID-OFF WORKERS THROUGH THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS spain The autónomos who have salaried staff will be able to layoff workers without paying severance packages 2020-03-17 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Informe de situación en relación al coronavirus COVID-19 en Uruguay uruguay A food basket will be delivered in the month of April and another in the month of May to the 118 thousand households that receive the family allowance called "Plan de Equidad". 2020-03-27 Food and nutrition,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
SPAIN’S €200 BILLION PLAN TO AID ‘AUTÓNOMOS’, EMPLOYERS AND LAID-OFF WORKERS THROUGH THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS spain All self-employed workers with severe losses will be able to access a special benefit (prestación) 2020-03-17 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Deferral of employers' social security contributions to the IGSS guatemala On 23 March the Guatemalan government announced the suspension of employers' social security contributions for three months as a measure to protect the economy from the quarantine caused by the coronavirus. The new provisions established the deferral of employer's IGSS contributions for March, April and May 2020, as well as those of Intecap and Irtra. However, the labor quota must continue to be deducted from the workers and transferred to the IGSS each month. 2020-03-24 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Trabajadores cuyo salario sea rebajado contribuirán a la Caja con el nuevo monto costa rica A reduction to 25% of the current Minimum Contribution Base (BMC in) in health and pension insurance, is what the Fund approved as part of the actions to support the national economy in the face of the health emergency by Covid-19. The BMC is the base salary for which all workers must contribute to both insurances. The BMC is the base salary for which all workers must contribute to both types of insurance. For health insurance, it changed from ₡294.619 to ₡73.654. For pension insurance, it went… 2020-03-20 Contribution collection and compliance,Contribution collection and compliance,Health insurance,Old-age pensions Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MDT-2020-080 ecuador The employer may set the date of the beginning and end of the period of accumulated leave to which the worker is entitled. Furthermore, provided that the worker agrees, the employer may allow the enjoyment of periods of advance vacation; and, in general, the employer may adopt measures that reasonably avoid aggravating the worker's situation, within the limits of the rights established in the declaration of state of exception provided for in Executive Decree No. 1017. 2020-03-28 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Find out if you qualify for the Covid-19 unemployment relief program belize Delay in payment of contributions without penalties. Employers must continue filing returns with information about employees and contributions 2020-04-01 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary contribution collection, Contributory, covid19 socpro…
ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MDT-2020-080 ecuador Employers will be able to reach agreements with workers whose workdays are suspended during the emergency and will provide for their employees to use accumulated vacation time. 2020-03-28 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Find out if you qualify for the Covid-19 unemployment relief program belize Advance one month pension. Additional payment equivalent to one month the would be recovered from future payments 2020-04-01 Old-age pensions Published Measures summary Contributory, covid19 socpro…
Decreto 4167 sobre Inamovilidad laboral del sector público y privado por emergencia Coronavirus Covid-19 venezuela No worker can be laid off or fired during this crisis without a valid cause underlined by the worker inspector of the area. 2020-03-23 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Find out if you qualify for the Covid-19 unemployment relief program belize Sickness benefits: amendment to set aside exception period for affected by COVID-19. Those who lost employment will continue to receive medical coverage as if they were continually employed. 2020-04-01 Cash sickness benefits Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Coronavirus en Venezuela: comienza a hundirse el endeble plan de Maduro para contener el choque en la economía venezuela “Quédate en casa” (Stay at home) 4 million workers in informal work and workers in self ran businesses, and 2 million workers from private businesses shall receive a sitpend of 450,000 pesos bolivares--equivalent to $6USD. 2020-03-31 Social assistance,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Find out if you qualify for the Covid-19 unemployment relief program belize BZD 5 million (USD 2.5 million) from social security fund to support existent social assistance programmes 2020-04-01 Social assistance,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Venezuela anuncia medidas para reforzar economía del país venezuela Payroll Plan for small and medium sized companies through the Patria system for a period of up to six months. It will be activated at the request of the companies, to protect the socio-economic stability and the productive capacity of the companies that have ceased their activities due to the quarantine. 2020-03-22 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Gobierno presenta medidas de primera respuesta en materia de protección social costa rica Provision of spaces in appropriate places to deal with suspected or confirmed cases of children and adolescents. 2020-03-30 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…