Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

created Title Regions / Country Abstract for publishing measures summary Measure date Description (long-not for publishing) Topics Status Tags URL
Labour Minister: Guidelines coming soon on pandemic leave trinidad and tobago Trinidad and Tobago’s Ministry of Labor has introduced a “pandemic leave” as a new classification of paid leave for public officers, including those not eligible for sick leave. People who have fallen ill and exhausted their sick leave will proceed on extended sick leave, followed by pandemic leave. Pandemic leave will also apply to those workers who are not eligible for sick leave. 2020-03-23 Cash sickness benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Bono CONFIEP para vendedores ambulantes peru CONFIEP, through the collaboration of various companies and individuals, the Municipality of Lima and Bim are joining forces to support with a solidarity bond of S/380 for small entrepreneurs and street traders who, due to the health emergency, are unable to bring their livelihoods home. The voucher will be given to 500 merchants who are registered with the Municipality of Lima. 2020-04-08 Employment,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Media Conference on COVID-19 – Monday 23rd March 2020 trinidad and tobago Suspension of the life certification requirements for elderly social pension recipients (normally required to visit their local board to sign a life certificate register). 2020-03-23 Old-age pensions Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Bolivia: Extended Family Bonus bolivia Los Tiempos (08.04.2020) Extended Family Bonus. A financial aid to all families who have children in public schools --- from pre-kindergarten through high school. The "Family Bonus" consisting of Bs 500 per child. Extended Family Bonus. A financial aid to all families who have children in public schools --- from pre-kindergarten through high school. The "Family Bonus" consisting of Bs 500 per child. 2020-04-08 Family benefits Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Policy Responses to COVID-19 trinidad and tobago Cash transfer of TT$510/month (US75) for 3 months to households with family member that was laid off or whose income reduced. This measure reaches a total of 2,050 households. 2020-03-04 Unemployment,Cash transfers,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Transfers are planned to seniors and families with children guatemala Transfer are planned to seniors and families with children for a total of Q350 million (or $46 million USD). 2020-03-04 Cash transfers,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Real Decreto-ley 6/2020, de 10 de marzo, por el que se adoptan determinadas medidas urgentes en el ámbito económico y para la protección de la salud pública spain The government has ruled that key utilities such as energy, gas and water - as well as telecommunication services cannot be suspended to vulnerable persons during the crisis. It has instigated a mortgage moratorium on primary residences for employees who lose their jobs, such as self-employed workers. 2020-03-13 Housing,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
From masks to gender restrictions, Latin America and Caribbean tighten coronavirus measures el Salvador The government has mandated private companies to ensure quarantine of particular worker categories, including those older than 60, pregnant women or those with preexisting conditions. These workers would receive a paid sick leave for 30 days. Also, private companies (except those in the food, medical and other key sectors) that decide to send all of their workers home on paid leave will be eligible for further government support 2020-03-04 Cash sickness benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Real Decreto-ley 7/2020, de 12 de marzo, por el que se adoptan medidas urgentes para responder al impacto económico del COVID-19. spain Among the measures to support families is to guarantee the basic right to food for vulnerable children who are affected by school closures. Specifically, a total of Euro 25M is established to provide income support (wallet cards, wire transfer, voucher in supermarkets). Part of the above funding also includes in-kind support, such as catering at home, home deliveries, opening specific schools as food distribution points. 2020-03-13 Food and nutrition Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Food packages will be distributed to homes dominican republic Government switched to take-home rations for its school feeding program. 2020-03-18 Food and nutrition,Service delivery,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Real Decreto-ley 6/2020, de 10 de marzo, por el que se adoptan determinadas medidas urgentes en el ámbito económico y para la protección de la salud pública spain 300 million euros for an extraordinary contingency fund to support social services with special attention to older persons and dependents (transfers to be made to Autonomous communities and localities to this effect) (e.g. cover basic needs including through social assistance, people that need assistance at home, increases resources in centres, etc.). 2020-03-11 Social assistance,Financing Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Distribution of food at specific centers dominican republic Food support programs adapt their delivery modality to distribute packages at specified points. 2020-03-04 Food and nutrition,Service delivery,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
POLICY RESPONSES TO COVID-19 tunisia A 2.5 billion TND emergency plan ($0.8 billion or 2 percent of GDP) was announced on March 21. The plan also includes a support for those who will be on temporary unemployment because of the COVID19 shock (300 TND million). 2020-03-23 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Inicia entrega Bono Especial para Médicos de la Patria por 1 Petro venezuela Special grant for doctors fighting covid-19 (amount of 1 Petro). 2020-04-01 Health Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
У МІНСОЦПОЛІТИКИ УТОЧНИЛИ УМОВИ НАДАННЯ ФОПАМ ДОПОМОГИ НА ДІТЕЙ НА ЧАС КАРАНТИНУ Більше читайте тут (MINISTRY OF SOCIAL POLICY CLARIFIES TERMS OF PROVIDING QUARANTINE ASSISTANCE TO FOPS FOR CHILDREN) ukraine NEW benefit: child benefit (under 10 years old) at the level of subsistence minimum for the parents who lost their jobs and do not have the right to receive unemployment benefit (self employed or informal sector). 2020-04-10 Family benefits Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Servicios de telecomunicaciones estarán exceptuados de corte durante próximos seis meses venezuela Ban on service disconnection for lack of payment by telecommunications companies (cable TV, telephone, mobile phones, internet). 2020-03-22 Housing Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Про внесення змін до деяких законодавчих актів України, спрямованих на запобігання виникненню і поширенню коронавірусної хвороби (COVID-19)(Amending Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Prevent the Occurrence and Spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)) ukraine Extending the housing subsidies to larger number of households + simplify admin requirements. 2020-04-13 Housing Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Covid-19: Maduro proíbe despedimentos e suspende pagamento de rendas na Venezuela venezuela Residential and commercial rent payments suspended for 6 months (for businesses and persons affected by COVID-19). Landlords will be reimbursed. 2020-03-22 Housing,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Про внесення змін до деяких законодавчих актів України, спрямованих на запобігання виникненню і поширенню коронавірусної хвороби (COVID-19)(Amending Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Prevent the Occurrence and Spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)) ukraine Unemployment benefit – simplify registration for unemployed, registered as of first day, while normally there is a waiting period 2020-04-13 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
AMPLIACIÓN DEL BONO FAMILIAS AMPLIACIÓN DEL BONO FAMILIAS a los estudiantes de Las Unidades Educativas Fiscales y de Convenio del Área de Educación de Personas Jóvenes y Adultas del Subsistema de Educación Alternativa y Especial; Las Unidades Educativas Privadas de los niveles inicial, primaria y secundaria. 2020-04-17 Family benefits,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Одноразова соцдопомога: Стало відомо, хто, крім пенсіонерів, отримає 1 тис. гривень(One-time social assistance: It has become known who, in addition to pensioners, will receive 1 thousand hryvnias) ukraine The government introduced one-off cash assistance of 1 thousand hryvnia ($35) for seniors with low pensions (pensions up to 5 thousand UAH), children with disabilities and beneficiaries of social pensions. 2020-03-20 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
El Bono Universial bolivia Se otorga por única vez un Bono Universal equivalente a Bs500.- (QUINIENTOS 00/100 BOLIVIANOS) a todos los bolivianos desde los dieciocho (18) años cumplidos hasta los menores de sesenta (60) años. Decreto Supremo 4215. A Universal Bonus equivalent to Bs500 (FIVE HUNDREDS 00/100 BOLIVIANS) is granted for one time to all Bolivians from eighteen (18) years old to less than sixty (60) years old. Supreme Decree 4215. 2020-04-17 Family benefits,Social assistance,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, Non-contributory socpro
The $1,200 coronavirus checks, explained United States Adults will get $1,200 each and children $500 each. The benefit will start decreasing at a rate of $5 for every additional $100 in income. The phaseout starts at $75,000 in adjusted gross income for singles, $112,500 for heads of household, and $150,000 for married couples filing jointly; it will phase out entirely by $99,000 for singles and $198,000 for couples (with no children). 2020-03-26 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Ingreso Mínimo Garantizado chile Formal workers receiving salaries under 440USD will receive a subsidy to top up their income 2020-04-15 Employment,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Here's What Is In The 'Families First' Coronavirus Aid Package Trump Approved United States Free testing for COVID-19. Costs will be covered by State Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). 2020-03-19 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Fondo de Protección de los Ingresos de los más Vulnerables chile The fund is flexible so that benefits can be targeted and subsidies shifted towards public employment programmes as the Covid-19 situation evolves. 2020-04-08 Employment,Financing,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Policy Responses to COVID-19 Uzbekistan Interest-free loans for the payment of wages to employees of business entities that have suspended their activities in connection with the announcement of quarantine. 2020-04-03 Employment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia chile Informal workers who may have lost their source of revenue will receive a monthly 300 USD subsidy for three months if they belong to the poorest 60% of households. For workers in the 40-60th percentile, the benefit has a declining amount. Workers have to update their status in the Social Household Registry to be eligible. 2020-04-20 Cash transfers,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Policy Responses to COVID-19 Uzbekistan Temporary reduction of social contributions for individual entrepreneurs. 2020-04-03 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19, Contributory socpro
Bono Rural peru The Government approved the Bono Rural of 760 soles that will reach one million families that are in conditions of poverty or extreme poverty living in the rural areas of the country. 2020-04-19 Cash transfers,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Sick leave payment rate increases to 100% Uzbekistan Sick leave is normally paid at the rate of 60-80% salary depending on the employment history. For the duration of quarantine, it is increased to 100% of the salary for everyone and covers parents whose child is in quarantine. 2020-04-03 Cash sickness benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Medidas lanzado por el presidente ecuador "Proyecto lanzado por el Presidente: 1. Evitar los desalojos de aquellas personas que arriendan sus viviendas. ""Nadie podrá ser desalojado por retrasarse en sus pagos de arriendo, mientras dure la emergencia y hasta 60 días después."" 2.Ampliación de la cobertura de salud en el Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS) a quienes se queden sin empleo por 90 días o más. En síntesis, serán 120 días de cobertura total. 3.El seguro de desempleo se cobrará en siete… 2020-04-12 Family benefits,Financing Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Policy Responses to COVID-19 Uzbekistan Expansion of the public works programs ($21M). 2020-04-15 Employment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Policy Responses to COVID 19 mongolia For a period of three months, the government will increase monthly child support to 30,000 MNT for eligible children under 18 years of age 2020-03-04 Family benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Maricá terá pacote social e econômico contra efeitos do coronavírus de R$ 80 milhões brazil (City of Maricá) In order to assist those in informal economy and self-employed workers affected by the pandemic, a minimum wage (R$ 1,045) is to be paid, converted into Mumbucas, for three months. The city estimates that 6,000 workers are affected. 2020-03-21 Employment,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
MEDIA STATEMENT Economic Stimulus and Relief Package: Impact of COVID-19 on the Economy and Households namibia To support the households cope with reduced income, increased health related spending and other hardships due to the virus outbreak, the following measure has been proposed: - An Emergency Income Grant, to support those employees who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and its fallout. This is a once-off payment of N$750 to people who have lost their jobs, either in the informal or in the formal sector, essentially to stave off the vulnerabilities which arise.Payment will be made by… 2020-04-01 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Maricá terá pacote social e econômico contra efeitos do coronavírus de R$ 80 milhões brazil (City of Maricá) Students from public schools will receive family food baskets for the next three months, totaling approximately R $ 10.2 million. Food baskets will be delivered to their houses. 2020-03-21 Food and nutrition,Family benefits,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Launching of the Economic Stimulus and Relief Package to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 namibia The total Stimulus and Relief Package amounts to N$8.1 billion, comprising of N$5.9 billion in direct support to businesses, households and cash flow acceleration payments for services rendered to Government and N$2.3 billion off-balance sheet Government liabilities. The Package is directed at:- • formal and informal businesses in sectors which are directly affected by the lockdown measures, and • households and the related labour market aspects such as job retention to mitigate the negative… 2020-04-01 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Maricá terá pacote social e econômico contra efeitos do coronavírus de R$ 80 milhões brazil The city of Maricá in Brazil will increase the existing cash transfers amount from R$130 ($25) to R$300 per month ($60) at least through June. Total beneficiaries of this scheme will 42,000 of the city’s lowest-income residents. Moreover, End-of-year bonuses will be advanced to make April’s payment an even larger R$430 per person. 2020-03-21 Cash transfers,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Details of Crisis Shield Act for Employers and Employees in Poland poland Employers meeting specific criteria concerning turnover decline could lower employee's working time to 80% (and get 40% of average wage covered by the state, with firms covering the remaining 40%). In case of significant problems, companies can use economic stoppage with wages reduced to 0.5 of regular level; the government will cover almost half of the remuneration. In addition, one-person companies and people working based on civil law contracts could get up to 80% of the minimum… 2020-03-31 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Acúltese a la IAFAS SIS a afiliar a las personas peruanas y extranjeras, residentes o no peru The IAFAS SIS will affiliate exceptionally and temporarily, Peruvian and foreigners to the subsidized regime to Peruvian and foreign people, regardless whether they are residents or not, who are in the national territory and do not have a health insurance, and if they are diagnosed or suspected of being diagnosed with coronavirus. 2020-04-21 Health,Extension of coverage Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Coronavirus: Govt Prepares €1bn Economic Stimulus to Provide Liquidity, Protect Jobs slovenia Pensioners with the lowest pensions will receive a solidarity bonus due to the impact of the coronavirus. 2020-03-09 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Bono Semana Santa Venezuela: ¿cómo saber si todavía puedo cobrar los 350.000 bolívares con mi Carnet de la Patria? venezuela Benefit of 350,000 bolivares for Venezuelans enrolled in the Carnet de la Patria. This grant is part of the "Bonos especiales del mes de abril" (special for the comprehensive protection of the people who remain in social, collective and voluntary quarantine in the face of the global pandemic of COVID-19. 2020-04-15 Cash transfers,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Choose the method of logging in to the e-unemployment fund estonia The government offers online job search counselling and intermediation67 2020-03-04 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Kosovo COVID-19: Emergency Fiscal Measures Package kosovo Social assistance and pensions will be increased by EUR 30 per month to all beneficiaries of receiving a monthly amount lower than EUR 100, for the period of April - June 2020, amounting in total of EUR 13 million. 2020-03-30 Old-age pensions Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
The Government approved the measure for supporting employers and workers in difficulties because of the corona virus estonia The Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund will compensate 70% of the average wages from the last 12 months but no more than Euro 1,000. The compensation is paid to those workers with no work to carry out, or whose wages were already cut because of the lack of workload. The cost of the decreased wages compensation measure is Euro 250M 2020-03-20 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Kosovo COVID-19: Emergency Fiscal Measures Package kosovo Payment of monthly assistance will be at EUR 130 for each individual resulting as unemployed due to the public health emergency situation. The total coverage amounts to EUR 4 million. 2020-03-30 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Finland announces €15bn support package to prop up economy finland Government will allow freelancers and sole traders to claim unemployment benefits without shutting down their businesses. 2020-03-20 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Minister of Finance and Transfers Besnik Bislimi takes decision on protective measures for pension scheme beneficiaries kosovo Early payment of pensions. 2020-03-16 Old-age pensions Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Finland announces €15bn support package to prop up economy finland Government will eliminate the waiting period before people can claim unemployment benefits. 2020-03-20 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…