UK: Rising number of employees reporting mental health issues

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The Guardian (16.09.2015) The number of employees speaking up about mental health problems is on the rise. More than two fifths of employers say they have seen an increase in cases reported by staff of conditions such as depression and anxiety, according to research from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

Occupational accidents and diseases


WHO: Countries urged to make universal health coverage a reality

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The Jakarta Post (13.09.2015) The World Health Organization (WHO) South-East Asia Region has called on member countries to focus their efforts on providing affordable and quality health services to all who need them, as nearly 400 million people still do not have access to essential health services globally.



Philippines: DBM ramps up social protection spending, disbursements rose 70% increase to P36.6 billion  

Submitted by monitor on (15.09.2015) The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) on Tuesday said that government spending on social protection, such as the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) and calamity funds, hit record increase of 70 percent to P36.6 billion in July this year compared to spending on the same period in 2014.

Regions / Country
philippines, the
Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes

EU migrants can be denied social benefits, says top court

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EurActiv (15.09.2015) The European Court of Justice (ECJ) on Tuesday (15 September) ruled that a country can withhold basic benefits from EU migrants if they travel from another member country with no intention of finding a new job.

Regions / Country
european union
Social assistance

France: « La décision contre Monsanto ouvre une brèche pour d’autres agriculteurs malades »

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Le Monde (11.09.2015) La cour d’appel de Lyon a confirmé, jeudi 10 septembre, la responsabilité de Monsanto dans la maladie de Paul François, céréalier charentais intoxiqué par l’herbicide Lasso du géant américain des biotechnologies. Me François Lafforgue, avocat de l’agriculteur, analyse la portée d’une décision « sans précédent ». Même si Monsanto a annoncé, vendredi 11 septembre, son pourvoi en cassation, l’avocat estime que l’arrêt de la cour « ouvre une brèche pour d’autres agriculteurs malades qui peuvent aujourd’hui espérer être indemnisés ».

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases


Suisse: Le Conseil des Etats fixe l’âge de la retraite des femmes à 65 ans

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Le Temps (15.09.2015) La réforme d’Alain Berset franchit une première étape, mais le chemin est encore long et les obstacles nombreux. Les sacrifices qu’elle implique doivent être compensés et la hausse des rentes et des cotisations AVS ne fait pas l’unanimité

Regions / Country


EU: Data analytics take healthcare debate by storm

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EurActiv (09.09.2015) Under constant budgetary pressure, healthcare providers have to make tough decisions on a daily basis, on where to make savings. Cost effectiveness analysis will soon become part of health policymakers’ standard toolkit to ensure the best outcome, analysts say.

Regions / Country
european union
