[Opinion] Dependency is dead! - FAO blog
FAO blog (24.09.2015) A commonly held view of cash transfers and other social protection programmes, in both developed and developing countries, is that they foster dependency.
FAO blog (24.09.2015) A commonly held view of cash transfers and other social protection programmes, in both developed and developing countries, is that they foster dependency.
EurActiv (30.09.2015) The European Commission wants to establish minimum social rights as part of a package due to be unveiled in Spring 2016. Paris and Berlin are exploring plans for a "social Eurogroup", the French President said.
europa.eu (18.09.2015) Despite the decline in unemployment since 2013, long-term unemployment has only now ceased rising and the prospects of returning to jobs for those who have been unemployed for more than one year remain very low.
europa.eu (17.09.2015) The European Commission has proposed guidance to Member States to better help long-term unemployed return to work.
El Mostrador (07.09.2015) El sistema privatizado de administración de fondos de pensiones (AFP) vía capitalización individual fue creado durante la dictadura cívico-militar por el entonces ministro de Trabajo José Piñera (el mismo del Plan Laboral), mediante el Decreto Ley N° 3500 de 1980. El objetivo central de la privatización del sistema de pensiones era crear un robusto mercado de capitales que ofrezca una vía de financiamiento barato a las grandes empresas (también privatizadas de manera irregular) debido a las restricciones de crédito del sistema financiero
Les Echos (29.09.2015) Devant le congrès de la Confédération européenne des syndicats, le chef de l’Etat a plaidé pour la portabilité des droits des travailleurs et la convergence des systèmes de Sécurité sociale dans l’UE.
Abidjan.net (29.09.2015) Environs quatre-vingt-dix élèves issus du Centre Ivoirien de Formation des Cadres de la Sécurité Sociale de l'institut aux Métiers de la Sécurité Social( IM2S), ont reçu ce mardi 29 septembre leurs diplômes de fin de formation.
Euro WHO (07.09.2015) Economic shocks pose a threat to health and health system performance by increasing people's requirements for health care and, at the same time, making access to care more difficult. The financial and economic crisis has had a visible but varied impact on many health systems in Europe, eliciting a wide range of responses from governments facing fiscal pressure.
lenews (28.09.2015) Switzerland did not have the longest life expectancy or the highest score on relative mental well-being. It did not have lowest old age poverty rate and it wasn’t perceived as the safest place for an older person to walk alone. So why did it rank as the best place to live in old age in a recent study by HelpAge International?
EurActiv (24.09.2015) While it can be tough being unemployed, putting individuals at risk of poverty, the situation can be even worse for vulnerable youngsters who can sink into depression and homelessness.