[Opinion] Predictive analytics in social protection  -  a new moral hazard?

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SAP Blog (05.06.2015) From 6-8 July, the SAP Institute for Digital Government is participating in the 23rd European Social Services Conference in Lisbon. This event is conducted by the European Social Network (ESN). The conference is organised annually by the ESN, an independent learning and development forum for local public social, health, education and employment services in Europe and associate member organisations.

Information and communication technology

En Uruguay 87,4 % de las personas mayores de 65 años cobra jubilación o pensión

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Diario La República (27.09.2015) El sistema de seguridad social uruguayo en etapa de retiro muestra muy altos niveles de cobertura, según datos presentados por Inmayores y la Dirección Nacional de Evaluación y Monitoreo del Ministerio de Desarrollo a través del Sistema de Información sobre Vejez y Envejecimiento. La estadística indica que 87,4 % de las personas de 65 años o más, que representan 14 % de la población, cobraban jubilaciones o pensiones en 2014.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions


India: Kerala state plans mandatory health cover for migrant workers

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Times Of Oman (27.09.2015) Mandatory health insurance coverage is currently under discussion for residents of the Indian state of Kerala, who plan to migrate abroad from the state, said a top official from the department responsible for the welfare of Keralite migrants.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage

EU: Adequate Pensions: new report calls for measures to enable people to work until they reach the pension age

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europa.eu (05.10.2015) A new report shows that EU’s pension systems can be expected to deliver adequate pensions to future generations of retirees provided strong policies to enable workers to stay in jobs until they reach the statutory pension age are pursued.

Regions / Country
european union


Née pour garantir les Français contre les aléas de la vie, la Sécurité sociale a 70 ans

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Libération (03.10.2015) Garantir «les travailleurs et leurs familles» contre les aléas de la vie, au moment où la France sort meurtrie de la guerre: il y a 70 ans, l’ordonnance du 4 octobre 1945 posait les fondements de la Sécurité

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
