France: L’Assemblée vote la création d’une « protection universelle maladie »

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Le Monde (23.10.2015) Les députés ont voté jeudi 22 octobre dans la soirée la création d’une « protection universelle maladie » (PUMA). Si tout se passe comme prévu, les assurés du régime général pourront bientôt signaler « en un clic » leur changement de situation sur le site Ameli. De quoi simplifier la vie de centaines de milliers de personnes qui déménagent ou changent de travail chaque année.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage

Mali: Conférence nationale sur la protection sociale : Brainstorming autour des pistes pour réduire les inégalités sociales

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Malijet (22.10.2015)«La protection sociale, un droit pour tous», c’était le thème de la conférence nationale sur la protection sociale, tenue les 19 et 20 octobre derniers au CICB. La tenue de cette conférence s’inscrivait dans le cadre des activités de la 21ème édition du Mois de la solidarité et de la lutte contre l’exclusion au Mali.

Regions / Country

Italy: Boeri warns against partial measures in pension reform

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Gazzetta del Sud (09.10.2015) Tito Boeri, president of Italy's state pension and social security agency INPS, on Friday said that an "organic and structural intervention" is needed for Italian pension reform, not "partial measures drop by drop". "There really needs to be one last pension reform in order to not have to intervene later on," Boeri said, speaking at a presentation of the Campania region's social audit.

Regions / Country

[Opinion] Is universal health care coming to South Africa?

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CNN (22.09.2015) What do you do when over half of health sector spending is available to less than a fifth of the population? When only 16% have private health insurance and the 84% who do not are forced to turn to a public sector overstretched and understaffed?

Regions / Country
south africa
Extension of coverage

US: Tests of New Features on Go to the Wire

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The New York Times (19.10.2015) With the Affordable Care Act’s third open enrollment period to begin in less than two weeks, federal officials are racing to fix new features of that are supposed to make it easy for consumers to find insurance plans that cover their doctors and prescription drugs.

Regions / Country
United States
Information and communication technology


Tunisie/Maroc: signature d'une nouvelle convention de sécurité sociale

Submitted by monitor on (20.10.2015) La Tunisie et le Maroc ont signé, lundi à Tunis, une nouvelle convention dans le domaine de la sécurité sociale, qui vient actualiser celle de février 1987 en élargissant notamment le spectre des catégories bénéficiaires.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
International agreements

Can social protection stop child labor in agriculture?

Submitted by monitor on (16.10.2015) Currently, worldwide, there are 168 million children in child labour, a practice that is particularly pervasive in agriculture and among poor rural households. Almost 60 percent of child labourers aged between five and 17 work in agriculture, often forcibly, and many are exposed to hazardous environments.

Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Social policies & programmes