UK: Budget changes to hit single parents hardest, research reveals

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The Guardian (07.09.2015) Single parents on low incomes face declining living standards over the next five years even if they work full time, as benefits cuts announced in the budget more than offset the introduction of George Osborne’s “national living wage”, according to new research.


[Report] Would you lose weight if we paid you?

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Wold Bank| Let's Talk Development (31.08.2015) If you were given a small reward every time you worked out, would you be more inclined to stick to a permanent exercise regimen? How much would that incentive have to be? Would regular exercise be beneficial for your health and ultimately to the greater society?


Honduras_ Hoy entra en vigor la nueva Ley de Protección Social

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La Prensa (03.09.2015) Hoy entra en vigor la nueva Ley Marco de Protección Social que asegura al menos el 50% de las prestaciones de los nuevos trabajadores y ampliará la red de cobertura y servicios médicos que ofrece actualmente el Instituto Hondureño de Seguridad Social (IHSS).

Social policies & programmes

France: Le compte pénibilité est simplifié

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Les Echos (03.09.2015) Le compte pénibilité simplifié Le compte pénibilité est simplifié 1 / 1 Précédent Suivant Comme annoncé en mai dernier, diverses mesures ont été adoptées afin de simplifier et de sécuriser l’application du compte pénibilité.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
