India: Government to focus on access to social security for unorganised labour: Jaitley

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The Hindu (05.01.2016) Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley, said the government’s priority was to ensure access to health and social security benefits to three labour groups—organised, unorganised and those not employed or below the poverty line.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes

Singapore: More incentives urged for increased parental leave, work flexibility

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Channel News Asia (04.01.2016) Today reports: The nature of the job and workplace culture are two hurdles for increasing the adoption of flexible work arrangements however, says NUS sociologist Paulin Straughan.

Regions / Country
Family benefits

Ghana: Social protection is not handouts package – Gender Ministry

Submitted by monitor on (04.01.2016) Mr Kwesi Armo-Himbson, Chief Director Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection on Monday debunked the perception that promoting social protection in Ghana amounted to offering handouts to beneficiaries which will encourage laziness.

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Immigration helps push German employment to record high

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EurActiv (04.01.2016) Favourable economic conditions and an influx of foreign workers boosted employment in Germany to its highest since reunification in 1990, according to data published on Monday (4 January) as the jobless rate hovers at a historic low.

Regions / Country


España: La jubilación queda en 65 años y cuatro meses y las pensiones suben un 0,25%

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ABC (31.12.2015) Nuevo año, y también nuevos cambios en las cuantías de las pensiones y en los requisitos para acceder al retiro. Desde mañana, 1 de enero, más de 8,5 millones de pensionistas percibirán un incremento en sus rentas del 0,25%, el mínimo fijado por la ley de pensiones.

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Maroc: La couverture médicale s’élargit, l’assurance-retraite demeure faible

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La Vie Eco (28.12.2015) De 33,7% en 2010, le taux de couverture médicale monte à 62% de la population totale en 2014. Toutefois, le croisement des chiffres entre les différentes sources gagnerait à être développé.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Extension of coverage

France: Compte pénibilité - les derniers décrets publiés au Journal officiel

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France info (31.12.2015) Deux nouveaux décrets d’application du compte personnel de prévention de la pénibilité ont été publiés jeudi au Journal officiel. Ils ajoutent six critères reconnus pénibles au quatre déjà en vigueur. Ce compte vise à faciliter les conditions de départ à la retraite des salariés ayant eu un métier pénible.

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