Epidemie in Westafrika: Gesundheitssysteme vor dem Zusammenbruch

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Handelsblatt (02.12.2015) In den nächsten Monaten gehe es vor allem darum, Daten zu sammeln, auszuwerten und dann die notwendigen Programme zu schaffen. Viele Spätfolgen müssten entweder mit Psychotherapie oder Medikamenten behandelt werden. „Wir brauchen Spezialisten“, erklärt Hilde De Clerck.

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[Opinion] UK: Cutting disabled people’s benefits won’t help anyone return to work

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The Guardian (08.12.2015) This week’s parliamentary review by crossbench peers and disability charities of cuts to out-of-work sickness benefits gives an insight into the thought the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has put into taking £30 a week from cancer patients and paraplegics.



Minsk anticipates receiving IMF loan by curtailing social protection policy

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belarusinfocus.info (08.12.2015) The Belarusian authorities see no benefits from reforming the existing socio-economic model, while they see the costs and possible negative political effects from such a reform. In order to receive the IMF loan, the leadership will only cut social guarantees to the population and will preserve the existing social and economic model in somewhat abbreviated format. In the mid-term (5 years), the Belarusian authorities are planning to revise the social contract with the population and adopt unpopular measures anyway, regardless of the external financing. 


México: Aprueban diputados reforma a la Ley de pensiones del ISSSTE

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Noventa Grados (08.12.2015) Con 343 votos a favor, 116 en contra y 2 abstenciones, el Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó el dictamen que reforma la Ley del Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE) en materia de pensiones.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

Austrian pension reform back to square one after commission dissolved

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IPE News (04.12.2015) The commission advising the Austrian government on the reform of the pension system is to be “restructured”, with entirely new members being selected in the coming months.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration