Lutte contre la pauvreté - La Banque mondiale et la protection sociale au Gabon

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Gabonreview (18.12.2015) Mettre en place un système de protection sociale efficace». Ainsi s’intitule la troisième et dernière partie des Cahiers économiques du Gabon, publiés par la Banque mondiale. D’entrée, l’institution financière internationale justifie sa démarche par la nécessité de protéger les moyens de subsistance des ménages à faibles revenus, car «une importante proportion des ménages gabonais est confronté aux faibles revenus, au chômage, à la maladie et peine à protéger leurs familles contre les chocs».

Regions / Country

France: La révolution des complémentaires santé obligatoires

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France Inter (21.12.2015) Au 1er janvier, tous les employeurs de France devront proposer un contrat collectif de couverture santé à leurs salariés. Une mesure pas forcément évidente à mettre en place dans les petites entreprises

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Extension of coverage

St. Kitts And Nevis: Social Protection Interventions Provided for the Poor and Vulnerable Under the 2016 Budget‏

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The St. Kitts And Nevis Observer (16.12.2015) Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris, has assured that several social protection interventions will continue in 2016 during his Budget presentation on December 15, 2015.

Gambia: Gov’t Highly Committed to Social Protection Agenda

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Daily Observer (17.12.2015) The Director of Social Welfare has stressed that the Government of The Gambia is highly committed to its social protection agenda and has ensured that social protection intervention and programmes in its policy are inclusive and responsive to different dimensions of exclusion especially for persons with disabilities.

Regions / Country


France: Un sans-abri sur dix n'a aucune couverture sociale

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mutualite (01.12.2015) En France, 10% des sans-abri ne bénéficient d'aucune protectio0 sociale et 25% n'ont pas de complémentaire santé, indique une étude publiée le 17 novembre par l'Institut de veille sanitaire. De ce fait, ils recourent moins aux soins malgré "un mauvais état de santé, physique et psychique".

Regions / Country

The road to universal health coverage - a case study on Gabon

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WHO (12.12.2015) Mobile phones are becoming one of the world’s most important health tools, used in many countries to track exercise, ensure medicines are genuine, and even to read blood glucose levels. In Gabon, they’re being used to raise revenue for the national health system.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Extension of coverage

Australia: Turnbull government to compromise on paid parental leave 'double dipping'

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The Sydney Morning Herald (16.12.2015) The Turnbull government has confirmed it is backing away from unpopular changes to paid parental leave proposed under Tony Abbott that saw new parents who claimed work and government entitlements accused of being "double dippers".

Regions / Country
Family benefits


[Report] The state of social protection in ASEAN at the dawn of integration

Submitted by monitor on (25.11.2015) The ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection channels a growing consensus in the region that the establishment of Social Protection Floors is fundamental for reducing poverty and inequality and promoting inclusive and sustainable growth.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes