Unicef Applauds Ghana's Achievement in Social Protection

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AllAfrica (09.02.2016) The Deputy Director of the United Nation Children's Fund (UNICEF) in charge of Programmes, Her Excellency Vidhya Ganesh has commended Ghana for it success in the implementation of several social protection programmes which are helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Regions / Country
Family benefits


World Bank Launches New Project to Strengthen Sudan’s Social Protection Systems

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Finchannel (12.02.2016) The World Bank and the Government of Sudan on February 11 signed the grant agreement launching the Sudan Social Safety Net Project. By supporting reforms to improve the targeting and management of Sudan’s existing social protection/cash transfer systems, the Project intends to help cushion the negative effects of fiscal reforms on poor and vulnerable households.

Regions / Country


[Opinion] Social Protection : universal provision is more effective than poverty targeting

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ideas4development.org (09.02.2016) One of the most highly charged debates in social security is whether it is preferable to offer schemes to everyone or target them only at the poor. Across both developed and developing countries, we find many examples of both approaches: for example, according to the ILO (2014), 36 countries offer universal social pension schemes while 53 countries means-test them. From a technical perspective there really is no argument: universal provision is vastly superior in reaching those living in poverty and in reducing both poverty and inequality.

Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Social policies & programmes

Uruguay: Amplían los beneficios a quienes tengan hijos

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El País )14.01.2016) Los padres de niños que nazcan en 2016 y trabajen como dependientes podrán reclamar hasta 13 días consecutivos de licencia por paternidad para estar con el recién nacido, mientras que los no dependientes tendrán 10 días. Asimismo, en función de quién lo decida concretar, una vez terminada la licencia maternal de 14 semanas, madre o padre podrán trabajar medio horario hasta los seis meses de edad del bebé.

Regions / Country
Family benefits

Different models of work and welfare in ageing Europe

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Europa/News (03.02.2016) Europe's population is getting older. As a consequence of this demographic trend and recent pension reforms that increased the statutory retirement age and curtailed early retirement options, the number of older workers aged 55 and above increased by more than 12 million between 2004 and 2014 in the EU28, bringing their total number to 38 million.

Old-age pensions
Population ageing


How Social Protection Reduced Poverty In Ghana - Minister

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OsunDefenderOsunDefender (09.02.2016) Ghana’s Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Nana Oye Lithur has announced that the poverty level in the country has been reduced from 51.7 per cent to 24.4 per cent as a result of a number of social protection measures and strategies introduced by the government.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes