EU: Cross-border Commuting: So near and yet so far
IPE Magazine (27.01.2016) Gail Moss outlines a new project to aid pensions communication for the 100,000 daily cross-border commuters in the Limburg trinational region
IPE Magazine (27.01.2016) Gail Moss outlines a new project to aid pensions communication for the 100,000 daily cross-border commuters in the Limburg trinational region
IrishTimes(26.01.2016)The Government will today agree to legislate to allow for fathers to take two weeks’ paid paternal leave.
MaltaToday (26.01.2016) A study into Europe’s healthcare systems has ranked Malta in the 23rd place, up four places over 2014.
Irish Examiner (26.01.2016) The Department of Social Protection expects to have saved close to €500m through fraud control measures last year, while almost 600 people are before the courts on charges related to suspected welfare fraud.
Reuters (26.01.2016) An extended period of low interest rates will create significant challenges to the resilience of EU defined benefit occupational pensions, the EU's insurance and pensions watchdog EIOPA said on Tuesday. (26.01.2016) Applying a gender lens to social protection policies is necessary to reduce inequality between men and women and make development more inclusive. This is the main message from a new paper by Julie Newton for INCLUDE, ‘Making Social Protection Gender Sensitive for Inclusive Development in Sub-Saharan Africa’.
Vie-publique (25.01.2016) Le rapport 2015 de l’Inspection générale des affaires sociales (Igas), remis en janvier 2016 au président de la République, au Parlement et au gouvernement, a pour thème la protection sociale des 11 millions de jeunes de 16 à 29 ans.
La Tribune de Genève (25.01.2016) Ces médicaments restent près de deux fois plus chers en Suisse qu’à l’étranger. Alain Berset veut agir.
Le Monde (20.01.2016) Lors de ses vœux « aux acteurs de l’entreprise et de l’emploi », lundi 18 janvier, au Conseil économique, social et environnemental (CESE), François Hollande a joué une nouvelle carte contre le chômage. Le président a présenté un plan massif de nouvelles formations pour 500 000 demandeurs d’emploi.
EurActiv (22.01.2016) ETUI Senior Researcher Aida Ponce talks to ETUC Confederal Secretary Esther Lynch about the priorities and gender challenges that employees face at their workplace.