Argentina: Minimum pension to increase to $4,959 and AUH reaches $966

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Buenos Aires Herald (12.02.2016) Pensions and the Universal Child Allowance (AUH) will be increasing by 15.35 percent as of March 1, with minimum pensions clocking in at 4,959 pesos a month. President Mauricio Macri made the announcement and linked the increase with overall concerns about increasing consumer prices.

Regions / Country
Family benefits

Canada: Ottawa Public Health wants more from taxpayers to deal with refugee health issues

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Ottawa Citizen (08.02.2016) Ottawa’s public health board wants to tap Ontario taxpayers for more money to cover the extra costs of providing medical and dental care to Syrian refugees coming to this city.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage

ILO: Q&A: Six things you should know about Social Protection in Africa

Submitted by monitor on (22.04.2015) African Ministers of Social Development, Labour and Employment are discussing social protection for inclusive development from 23-24 April 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Key policy recommendations and strategies are to be adopted by Member States. ILO News talks with Luis Frota, Social Security Specialist in the African region, to assess the reality on the ground and share good practises.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes

[Analyse] France: La protection sociale en 2030

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Les Echos (19.02.2016) Les débats vont aujourd'hui bon train autour du compte personnel d'activité. Ce CPA devrait au moins intégrer, sur un livret individuel, le compte personnel de formation et le compte épargne temps qui existent déjà. Terra Nova (*) a eu l'excellente idée de dépasser les bisbilles techniques actuelles pour proposer une fiction à la fois réaliste et ambitieuse. Avec une écriture simple et personnelle. Je suis donc en 2030. Sur mon compte social personnel universel (CSPU), j'ai accès à tous mes droits et prestations de protection sociale.

Regions / Country


France: Flexisécurité et flexibilité - un booster pour les entreprises, un naufrage pour les comptes de l'Etat 

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Economie Matin (19.02.2016) Le débat sur la flexibilité de l’emploi et la flexisécurité revient constamment à l’ouvrage depuis bientôt dix ans. L’évolution du droit de licenciement continue également de susciter la réflexion au sein de l’état, mais alimente surtout la méfiance dans l’espace syndical. Le but recherché par le patronat est d’adapter l’organisation du travail et de la productivité aux perpétuelles exigences et mutations de l’économie via la mondialisation.

Regions / Country

El Salvador: Reforma de pensiones crearía sistema mixto y nueva entidad pública de pensiones

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Revista Estrategia & Negocios (17.02.2016) La creación de un fondo común implica que los fondos de ahorro privado pasarán a disposición del Estado. Cálculos que ha hecho ASAFONDOS, gremial de las AFP, indican que trasladarían cerca de US$5.000 millones al régimen de sistema mixto.

Regions / Country
el Salvador
Extension of coverage

El Salvador Pension Reform Could Take Women into Account

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Inter Press Service (17.02.2016) El Salvador is debating reforms of the country’s privatised pension system, which could introduce changes so that it will no longer discriminate against women. “The pension system has a male-centred, patriarchal focus that fails to take into account the specific differences that women face in the world,” said Marta Zaldaña, secretary general of the Federation of Independent Associations and Unions of El Salvador (FEASIES).

Regions / Country
el Salvador
Extension of coverage

US: Stress at work tied to unhealthy lifestyles: studies

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Safety and Health Magazine (17.02.2016) Overworked and stressed-out employees may turn to unhealthy habits to safetyandhealthmagazinesafetyandhealthmagazinefind comfort or cope, and they may lack the time and resources for exercise and cooking meals, according to two studies from the Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell.

Regions / Country
United States
Occupational accidents and diseases
