India: EPFO aims to cover all workers under provident fund, pension by 2030

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Financial Express (29.06.2016) EPFO aims to cover all the workers in the country under provident fund (PF), pension and life insurance by 2030, the retirement fund body said in its vision document.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage

Philippines: SSS initiatives for social protection of ISGs show higher coverage and collections

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PIA/News (28.07.2016) The Social Security System (SSS) has intensified its campaign to extend social protection to informal sector workers, particularly through its partnership initiatives such as the AlkanSSSya Program which has registered over 120,000 members and collected over P300 million in contributions to date.

Regions / Country
philippines, the


Posting of Workers: Commission discusses concerns of national Parliaments

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Europa (20.07.2016) The College adopted today a Communication re-examining its proposal for a revision of the Posting of Workers Directive in the context of the subsidiarity control mechanism that several national parliaments triggered in May. After careful consideration of their views, the Commission concludes that the proposal for a revision of the Directive does not constitute a breach of the subsidiarity principle.

Regions / Country
european union

India: Social protection allows people with HIV to live with dignity

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UNDP (18.07.2016) Throughout the world, stigma and discrimination around HIV deter people from getting tested, reaping a profoundly adverse human and economic cost. In fact, stigma and discrimination are among the foremost barriers to HIV prevention, treatment and care.

Regions / Country
