Pensions and ageing populations: the problem explained
Financial Times (28.08.2016) If demographics are destiny, as academics are fond of saying, then large parts of the developed world are facing a challenging fate.
Financial Times (28.08.2016) If demographics are destiny, as academics are fond of saying, then large parts of the developed world are facing a challenging fate.
EurActiv (14.12.2016) The introduction of digital technology in healthcare systems might be viewed by health stakeholders in a positive light. However, policymakers are yet to address issues related to data collection and use that are considered crucial in the management of chronic conditions like diabetes.
IMTJ (15.01.2017) Europe paying a heavy price for chronic diseases, finds new OECD/EC report. Premature deaths of 550,000 working age people across European Union countries from chronic diseases. (10.01.2016) L'assurance retraite fait sa mue numérique. La Caisse nationale d’assurance vieillesse (Cnav) permet désormais aux nouveaux retraités de déclarer en ligne leur situation et de déposer leur dossier sur Pour l'instant, seuls les 700 000 retraités salariés du régime général et qui se déclarent chaque année, sont concernés par ce nouveau compte personnel en ligne.
Europa (12.01.2017) Today the European Commission is taking action to promote Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in the EU.
TDG (19.08.2016) La Commission compétente du National dévoilera vendredi après-midi le résultat de ses travaux sur "Prévoyance 2020".
Bloomberg (18.08.2016) Denmark has a problem: it may soon be unable to afford offering such a good deal to its people.
La Croix (16.08.2016) La banque centrale allemande estime que la précédente réforme, qui porte l’âge de départ de 65 à 67 ans d’ici à 2030, devra être complétée à l’horizon 2060.
Economia Hoy (04.08.2016) En América Latina y el Caribe hay 16.5 millones de explotaciones de agricultura familiar en las que laboran más de 60 millones de persona (10.08.2016) In recent decades, there has been a growing recognition across Asia of the need for greater investment in national social protection systems, in particular those financed from general taxation. Yet, across most Asian countries investment in social protection is still low.