US: Getting To Work Becomes A Lot More Stressful With A Disability
NPR (13.07.2016) More than 4 in 10 working Americans say their job affects their overall health, with stress being cited most often as having a negative impact.
NPR (13.07.2016) More than 4 in 10 working Americans say their job affects their overall health, with stress being cited most often as having a negative impact.
Devex (01.08.2016) In a little more than a month’s time the world will mark the first anniversary of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals — the first-ever global to-do list for a fairer, safer and healthier world by 2030.
Devex (01.08.2016) The Sustainable Development Goals approved by world leaders last September set an ambitious agenda to reduce poverty, vulnerability and marginalization by 2030. While each government will shape its own approach to meet the SDGs, a common feature in most national programs will be the use of social protection.
La Tercera (20.07.2016) En mayo de 1981 se instauró el sistema de capitalización individual obligatoria. El negocio comenzó con 12 AFP y hoy sólo quedan seis. Estas administran US$ 167.836 millones, los que han rentado 4.89% desde la vigencia de los multifondos.
Journal du Mali (01.08.2016) Au Mali, comme partout ou presque, la question du chômage et de l’emploi des jeunes est considérée comme une bombe, qu’il est urgent de désamorcer. Chaque année, ce sont plus de 120 000 personnes qui sortent des universités et grandes écoles, mais ont du mal à être insérés sur le marché du travail. (01.08.2016) Des mesures visant à mettre les indépendants en personne physique et ceux en société sur un pied d’égalité ont aussi été adoptées.
Prensa Libre (28.07.2016) La antigua discusión respecto de la necesidad de sistemas alternos que apoyen los fondos de pensión como los que funcionan en otros lugares, se reactivó luego que varios congresistas plantearon reformas al Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social.
El Financiero (28.07.2016) Al filo de las sesiones ordinarias, la Asamblea Legislativa aprobó este jueves en segundo debate el proyecto de Reforma a la normativa de los regímenes especiales de pensiones con cargo al Presupuesto Nacional.
The Jakarta Post (30.07.2016) With a complete and integrated social-protection program, the ministry aims to reach 9 million low-income families and reduce the poverty rate to 9.3 percent by 2019 from the current rate of 10.8 percent, the lowest level in at least 20 years. Out of the 9 million recipients, the ministry plans to distribute non-cash aid to 2 million of them.
The Guardian (01.08.2016) Dealing with the effects of poverty costs the public purse £78bn a year, or £1,200 for every person in the UK, according to the first wide-ranging report into the impact of deprivation on Britain’s finances.