5 things Africa's leaders can do to drive digital growth
The Fourth Industrial Revolution was a hot topic at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos. But it left us asking one question: What does it mean for Africa?
Uber faces huge UK tax liabilities if drivers not ‘self-employed’
Tribunal over workers’ rights opens up possibility of change to their status
Mali : Carte d’identité sécurisée CEDEAO couplée à l’assurance maladie : Une belle initiative du gouvernement
maliactu.net (22.04.2016) Sur le rapport du ministre de la Sécurité et de la Protection civile, le Conseil des ministres a adopté mercredi un projet de décret portant institution et réglementation de la délivrance de la carte d’identité sécurisée Cedeao couplée à l’assurance maladie. Cette initiative est salutaire puisqu’en plus d’un document fiable, elle permettra de faire beaucoup d’économie autant pour le gouvernement que pour les citoyens qui payera le prix d’une carte pour deux.
Indonesia: Social protection becomes digitally integrated
The Jakarta Post (30.07.2016) With a complete and integrated social-protection program, the ministry aims to reach 9 million low-income families and reduce the poverty rate to 9.3 percent by 2019 from the current rate of 10.8 percent, the lowest level in at least 20 years. Out of the 9 million recipients, the ministry plans to distribute non-cash aid to 2 million of them.
New WHO data portal to help track progress towards universal health coverage
WHO (12.12.2016) To mark Universal Health Coverage Day, WHO today launched a new data portal to track progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) around the world. The portal shows where countries need to improve access to services, and where they need to improve information.
Growing African Workforce Comes to Grips with Maternity Leave
bignewsnetwork (29.12.2014) Africa's population is growing and the United Nations estimates 40 percent of the world's population will live in Africa by 2050. African economies are also growing, along with a growth in the work force. But in some countries, the social and economic forces collide on workplace issues like parental leave. While some countries are moving to extend leave, others are having a hard time enforcing the laws they already have.
Ubérisation de l'économie, comment fonctionnent ces nouveaux jobs ?
Taxi, livraison, travaux... grâce aux nouvelles applications, nous pouvons tous proposer facilement nos services dans différents domaines. Mais que valent ces nouveaux jobs ? Offrent-ils un bon complément de salaire ? Quelles en sont les limites ?
Nouvelles formes du travail et de la protection des actifs
À quoi ressemblera le travail demain ? Serons-nous tous entrepreneurs nomades ? Le contrat commercial aura-t-il remplacé le contrat de travail ?