Philippines: PhilHealth, DOH and DSWD renew ties for social protection

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Malaya (16.01.2017) Two years after the initial Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), Department of Health (DOH) and Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) recently renewed their partnership for the Social Protection Support Initiatives (SPSI) that will benefit Filipino citizens, especially the poor, the vulnerable and the disadvantaged groups.

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philippines, the
Governance and administration

US: With executive order, Trump tosses a ‘bomb’ into fragile health insurance markets

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The Washington Post (22.01.2017) President Trump’s executive order instructing federal agencies to grant relief to constituencies affected by the Affordable Care Act has begun to reverberate throughout the nation’s health-care system, injecting further uncertainty into an already unsettled insurance landscape.


France: Retraites - vers des besoins de financement supplémentaires

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Les Echos (20.01.2016) Le ratio entre personnes âgées et actifs devrait se dégrader d’après les nouvelles prévisions démographiques, souligne le Conseil d’orientation des retraites dans un rapport que  "Les Echos" ont pu consulter. Ce qui alourdira le besoin de financement des pensions à l’horizon 2040.

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El desempleo en Europa bajará en 2017 y aumentará en América Latina

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20 Minutos (13.01.2017) El desempleo mundial aumentará ligeramente en 2017, pero las tendencias variarán según el nivel de desarrollo de las economías, con una Europa que conseguirá crear trabajo, mientras que los países emergentes experimentarán fuertes dificultades en sus mercados laborales.



Only half of disabled Canadians have a full or part-time job: CIBC poll

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CTV News (17.01.2017) A new poll suggests that employment conditions remain dismal for Canadians with disabilities. The survey commissioned by CIBC and conducted by Angus Reid found that only half of respondents living with a disability have a full or part-time job.

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European Social Rights: workers’ protection needs to be extended to new jobs

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European Parliament (19.01.2017) All workers should have their basic rights guaranteed, whatever their form of employment and contract, said MEPs approving their recommendations on Thursday for the forthcoming proposal on the “European Pillar of Social Rights”

Regions / Country
european union

Le Parlement en faveur du salaire minimum pour toute l’UE

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EurActiv (21-01.2017) Des eurodéputés défendent l’introduction d’un salaire minimum dans tous les pays de l’UE, au grand dam des personnalités politiques, des groups de lobby industriels et même de certains syndicats.

Regions / Country
european union
Employment policies

Azerbaijan and Ukraine to cooperate on population’s social protection

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ABC (27.01.2017) Labour & Social Protection Salim Muslimov of Azerbaijan and Social Policy Minister Andriy Reva of Ukraine signed a program of cooperation in Baku.
The Azerbaijani Ministry of Labour & Social Protection informs that the Program of Cooperation between the two countries’ social ministries was signed today during the Baku visit of the Ukrainian minister.

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Governance and administration