Venezuela: Gobierno nacional fortalecerá el plan de protección social para artistas y cultores del país

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RNV (06.02.2017) Este domingo el presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro, informó que le solicitó a la junta directiva de la Fundación Casa del Artista, presentar un proyecto ampliado para profundizar y reforzar el sistema de protección social para los artistas y cultores populares de todo el país.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes

Taiwan, China: VP Chen proposes extension of full retirement age to 65

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Focus Taiwan (23.01.2017) A draft proposal for reforming Taiwan's pension system is seeking to raise the age of retirement with full benefits to 65, except for policemen, firefighters and K-12 teachers, Vice President Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) said Thursday.

Regions / Country
Taiwan, China
Old-age pensions

Malta: Social protection spending dominates government expenditure

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Times of Malta (30.01.2017) The €1,147.7 million spent on social expenditure represented a shade above 30 per cent of all general government expenditure, and was €37.3 million more than the 2014 figure. Despite the increase, spending on social protection was down as a percentage of total expenditure when compared to previous years.

Regions / Country

Mali: Protection sociale - La CANAM sensibilise les membres du CESC

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Mali Actu (19.01.2017) La salle de conférence du CESC a servi de cadre à la tenue, du 9 au 11 Janvier 2017, de l’atelier de renforcement des capacités des membres du Conseil économique, social et culturel (CESC) sur la protection sociale en partenariat avec la Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie (CANAM).

Regions / Country

Deutschland: Statistikamt Eurostat - In dieser Altersgruppe sind 20 Prozent von Armut bedroht

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Die Welt (08.02.2017) In Deutschland steigt die Zahl der Menschen an, die sich teils normale Alltagsgüter nicht mehr leisten können. Besonders betroffen sind ältere Menschen. Drei Faktoren sind ausschlaggebend für die Bedrohun

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions

India: Govt mulls conditional cash transfer for pregnant women under ICDS

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Hindustan Time (18.01.2017) The government is considering introducing conditional transfer of money to the accounts of pregnant women and lactating mothers instead of the current practice of giving them rations at aanganwadi centres to ensure that they get to eat healthy, nutritious food.

Regions / Country
Social assistance