English social care system for elderly facing 'complete collapse'

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The Guardian (16.02.2017) Age UK report calls for urgent action, including cash injection in spring budget and development of long-term plan. Social care in England is at risk of imminent collapse in the worst affected areas unless urgent steps are taken to address the crisis engulfing the sector, Age UK has warned.

Old-age pensions
Social assistance

France: Le Medef accepte de rouvrir la négociation sur l’assurance-chômage

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Le Monde (14.02.2017) Le conseil exécutif du Medef a donné, lundi 13 février, son accord pour rouvrir la négociation sur l’assurance-chômage, alors que les partenaires sociaux doivent se rencontrer mercredi, a annoncé l’organisation patronale dans un communiqué. L’instance « a donné mandat à Alexandre Saubot [président du pôle social du Medef] pour ouvrir une négociation avec les organisations syndicales afin de proposer une réforme ambitieuse, pérenne et qui permette de résoudre le déficit structurel de l’assurance-chômage », selon le communiqué.

Regions / Country

China: Medical insurance to be merged with maternal care in 12 cities

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Gov.cn (04.02.2017) Basic medical insurance and maternity insurance will be merged for urban residents in 12 cities from the end of June this year, as a pilot project, according to a circular issued by the State Council on Feb 3.

Regions / Country
Health insurance

US: Occupational skin diseases - More common than you think

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Safety and Health Magazine (29.01.2017) Occupational skin diseases are the second-most common type of occupational disease. NIOSH estimates that more than 13 million U.S. workers are potentially exposed to chemicals that can be absorbed through their skin. Workers at risk of occupational skin diseases include those in construction, health care, agriculture, food service, auto repair and cosmetology.

Regions / Country
United States
Occupational accidents and diseases

[Análisis] Europa: ¿Los robots tendrán seguro social?

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La Nación (17.02.2017) El Parlamento Europeo ha aprobado una resolución para que la Comisión Europea empiece a estudiar leyes sobre robótica. El informe, liderado por Mady Delvaux, del comité de Asuntos Legales, insta a la Unión Europea a sentar las bases de una legislación sobre inteligencia artificial.

Regions / Country
european union
Extension of coverage

Ghana: Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection outlines strategic measures to improve lives

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Ghana Business News (10.02.2017) The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Otiko Afisa Djaba says the new government is committed to ensuring the effective implementation of all legal and policy frameworks that provide opportunities for marginalized and vulnerable groups to be effectively involved in national development.

Regions / Country
Social assistance