[Report] 2018 eHealth Market Trends, Players & Outlook

Submitted by fabbri on

businesswire (08.01.2018)  This report introduces the key components of the ehealth market and identifies the products and services of most interests in the health industry, including IoT-enabled medical devices, telemedicine and remote patient monitoring. The particular nature of health industries has been considered in regard to data sensitivity and regulation. It evaluates the initiatives and strategies of players coming from different sectors, particularly facing the strong incumbents (medtech giants). The positioning of each category of players has been also addressed by taking the competitive landscape into account.Finally, in examining the gaps that lie between promising benefits and what is required for ehealth deployment and adoption, the challenges linked with data security and interoperability, organisational changes within healthcare industries, and the business model are analysed. 'The silver economy', encompassing both medical-oriented ehealth solutions and non-medical wellness applications, is also analysed through players' strategies and market challenges.

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Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags