Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Argentina: El gobierno prohibió los despidos y las suspensiones por 60 días | mmarquez | (01.04.2020) Ell Poder Ejecutivo decretó este miércoles que se prohíben “los despidos sin justa causa y por las causales de falta o disminución de trabajo y fuerza mayor por el plazo de 60 días". La misma medida rige en el caso de suspensiones “por las causales de fuerza mayor o falta o disminución de trabajo”. |
covid19 | Unemployment | argentina |
Argentina: Creación del programa de apoyo al sistema productivo en el área de insumos, equipamiento y tecnología sanitaria | mmarquez | (31.03.2020) Con el objeto de asistir al sector de la salud pública y a las empresas, emprendedores e instituciones públicas dentro del marco de la emergencia sanitaria, el Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo crea un programa de apoyo que pone a disposición los instrumentos de financiamiento para quienes desarrollen soluciones productivas y tecnológicas en el ámbito del territorio argentino, principalmente del sector médico-sanitario, que tengan como fin el de contribuir al abordaje, contención, tratamiento y mitigación del Coronavirus COVID-19. |
covid19 | Health, Financing | argentina |
Argentina: Cobertura médica para niñas y niños cuya inscripción no pudo finalizarse | mmarquez | (07.04.2020) A través de la resolución 309/2020, el Gobierno Nacional dispone que los hijos de afiliados a Agentes del Seguro de Salud o Entidades de Medicina Prepaga, nacidos a partir del 20 de febrero de 2020 y por los cuales no se haya podido completar el trámite del DNI, sean incorporados de manera provisoria y por el término de hasta 45 días corridos posteriores a la fecha de finalización del período de aislamiento social, preventivo y obligatorio, con la sola acreditación del nacimiento. |
covid19 | Health insurance, Children | argentina |
Argentina: El COVID-19 se considera como enfermedad profesional | mmarquez | (14.04.2020) A través del decreto 367/2020, el Gobierno Nacional dispone que la COVID-19 producida por el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, será considerada una enfermedad presuntivamente de carácter profesional. De este modo las Aseguradoras de Riesgos del Trabajo (ARTs) deberán adecuar sus coberturas para que los trabajadores damnificados reciban, en forma inmediata, las prestaciones correspondientes. |
covid19 | Occupational accidents and diseases | argentina |
Argentina: Salario complementario para trabajadores en el sector privado | mmarquez | (20.04.2020) El Decreto 376/2020 sobre el Programa de Asistencia de Emergencia al Trabajo y la Producción estableció un salario complementario correspondiente al mes de febrero, que consiste en una asignación abonada por el Estado Nacional (50%) para los trabajadores y las trabajadoras en relación de dependencia del sector privado. |
covid19 | Employment, Cash transfers | argentina |
Argentina: Postergación o reducción de hasta el 95% de contribuciones patronales al SIPA | mmarquez | (20.04.2020) El Decreto 376/2020 sobre el Programa de Asistencia de Emergencia al Trabajo y la Producción establece la postergación o reducción de hasta el NOVENTA Y CINCO POR CIENTO (95%) del pago de las contribuciones patronales al Sistema Integrado Previsional Argentino. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance | argentina |
Argentina: Créditos para el pago de sueldos | mmarquez | (19.04.2020) Los bancos que sean agentes de pagos de salarios deberán ofrecer préstamos a PyMEs para el pago de sueldos de marzo a una tasa fija del 24% por un año, con un periodo de gracia de tres meses. Además, se destinaron 30 mil millones de pesos al Fondo de Garantías Argentino (FOGAR) para otorgar garantías de respaldo. Beneficios:
covid19 | Employment, Financing | argentina |
Pakistan: Social Protection and COVID-19 | pmassetti | Jinnah Institute (05.05.2020) Social Protection and COVID-19 |
covid19 | pakistan | |
Covid-19 and social protection needs: who are the most vulnerable? | pmassetti | Institute of Development Studies (07.05.2020) Covid-19 has created a multi-layered crisis in societies across the world. Apart from the devastating direct effects of the pandemic on those infected and their families, health systems, economies, education, social life and psychological wellbeing have all been compromised. Covid-19 exacerbates pre-existing vulnerabilities (‘Covid-intensified’) and creates new vulnerabilities (‘Covid-specific’). Groups who are vulnerable to the secondary economic impacts include: urban informal workers, rural agricultural households, migrants, International Displaced Persons (IDPs) and refugees, pastoralists and children. |
covid19 | Difficult-to-cover groups | |
Half the world's workers face losing their jobs, says ILO | pmassetti | Al Jazeera (29.04.2020) The loss in working hours due to the coronavirus pandemic means 1.6 billion workers may lose their livelihoods. |
covid19 | ||
Guidelines on the COVID-19 Community Isolation Benefit Package (CCIBP) | pmassetti | covid19 | Cash sickness benefits | philippines, the | |
PhilHealth guarantees continuing coverage for Covid-19 patients | pmassetti | The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation assured the public it is committed to pay benefits due all Covid-19 patients regardless of their admission date, upholding its earlier announcement that it pays at cost until April 14, and through its new case rate packages starting April 15 onwards. |
covid19 | Cash sickness benefits | philippines, the |
Brazil: Distribution of 323 thousand food baskets for vulnerable populations | mmarquez | (21.04.2020) The federal government will distribute 323,400 baskets to serve vulnerable populations - Indigenous peoples, quilombolas and settlers - during the new coronavirus pandemic. |
covid19 | Difficult-to-cover groups, Food and nutrition | brazil |
Brazil: School meals will be delivered to the families | mmarquez | (07.04.2020) During the period of suspension of classes in public schools of basic education due to an emergency or public calamity, it is authorized, throughout the national territory, on an exceptional basis, the immediate distribution to parents or guardians of students enrolled in them, with monitoring by CAE, of foodstuffs acquired with financial resources received, under the terms of this Law, to the Pnae account. |
covid19 | Children, Food and nutrition | brazil |
Brazil: Government will direct R $4.5 billion of DPVAT to reinforce SUS budget | mmarquez | (16.03.2020) The government will direct R$4.5 billion that are in the DPVAT (a compulsory insurance paid by motor vehicles’ owners) fund to reinforce the SUS budget (Universal Health Insurance), Economy Minister Paulo Guedes said earlier. He said that a source was thus found to double the resources directed to the Ministry of Health to face the coronavirus crisis. Last week, R $ 5 billion were released for the portfolio. |
covid19 | Health insurance, Financing | brazil |
Brazil: Aid for informal and independent workers - "Coronavoucher" | mmarquez | (02.04.2020) The benefit of continuous provision (BPC) is going to be granted to workers in the informal sector and to the self-employed. The benefit of R$600 (approx. USD $120) will be provided for the period of three months and to a maximum of two members of the same family unit whose family income is below a certain threshold; single mothers will receive two assistance quotas every month. Recipients of Bolsa Família will receive the BPC as replacement. |
covid19, self-employed | Cash transfers | brazil |
Brazil: De-centralization of financial resources for states and municipalities | mmarquez | (March 2020) The Ministry of Health approved the de-centralization of financial resources (about R$ 5 billion, or USD 1 billion) to States and Municipalities to support local actions. |
covid19 | Health, Health insurance, Financing | brazil |
Brazil: Telemedicine consultations and medication at home | mmarquez | (March 2020) The Ministry of Health has increased, at the federal level, flexibilities for self-isolated citizens to resort to telemedicine consultations and to receive medication at home. |
covid19, service delivery | Health, Health insurance | brazil |
Government announces new stimulus measures as Coronavirus impact escalates | mastertest | Old-age pensions | australia | ||
Government announces new stimulus measures as Coronavirus impact escalates | mastertest | covid19 | Cash transfers | australia | |
Overview of country tax policy measures in response to COVID-19 crisis. | pmassetti | A compilation of tax policy measures taken by governments has also been produced by the OECD Secretariat and can be found at |
covid19 | ||
India: EPFO income dips as deposits are deferred, withdrawals rise | pmassetti | (08.05.2020) The Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) is set to face an income crisis, which will have a direct bearing on millions of its subscribers’ PF earnings in 2020-21. A million workers have already withdrawn their EPF savings in last five weeks to tide over income loss caused by the ongoing lockdown imposed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. |
covid19 | Pensions | india |
Cameroun: Augmentation de 20% du niveau des anciennes pensions | mmarquez | (30.04.2020) La CNPS a décidé l’augmentation de 20% du niveau des anciennes pensions n’ayant pas bénéficié de la revalorisation automatique survenue du fait de la réforme de 2016. Cet ajustement a été accéléré compte tenu de la détresse économique actuelle due au Covid-19. |
Old-age pensions | cameroon | |
Cameroun: Augmentation du niveau des allocations familiales | mmarquez | (30.04.2020) La CNPS a décidé l’augmentation du niveau des allocations familiales de 2 800 FCFA à 4 500 FCFA. |
covid19, family | Family benefits | cameroon |
Cameroun: Continuation du paiement des prestations familiales | mmarquez | (30.04.2020) La CNPS a décidé le maintien, pendant les trois prochains mois, à savoir de mai à juillet, du paiement des allocations familiales aux personnels des entreprises ne pouvant s’acquitter des cotisations sociales ou ayant mis leurs personnels en congé technique en raison de la baisse conjoncturelle d’activité, notamment dans la restauration, l’hôtellerie, les transports. |
covid19, family | Family benefits | cameroon |