Cash sickness benefits

PhilHealth guarantees continuing coverage for Covid-19 patients

Submitted by pmassetti on

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation assured the public it is committed to pay benefits due all Covid-19 patients regardless of their admission date, upholding its earlier announcement that it pays at cost until April 14, and through its new case rate packages starting April 15 onwards.

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philippines, the
Cash sickness benefits


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Myanmar: Quarantined workers will receive paid sick leave and the maternity cash benefit

Submitted by mmarquez on (06.04.2020) During the period of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Social Security Board (SSB) and the Ministry of Laboyr, Immigration and Population (MOLIP) have issued notifications in relation to social security benefits for the insured workers who are quarantined or are sick (including COVID-19 cases). The benefits that can be availed of by the insured workers under the Social Security Law, Rules and Notifications issued by the SSB and MOLIP are as the following: sickness cash benefit, and the maternity cash benefit.

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Cash sickness benefits


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Belarus: Temporary disability benefits in the case of caring for a sick child

Submitted by rmensing on

Commentary to Presidential Decree No 143 of 24 April 2020 "On Supporting the Economy" regarding the payment of temporary disability allowance
Under article 15 of Presidential Decree No. 143 of 24 April 2020 on economic support, temporary disability benefits are paid to persons actually caring for a child under 10 years of age or attending a preschool or general secondary school if the child is a first- or second-level contact in the presence of one or more respiratory symptoms.

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Colombia: Se reconoce el Covid-19 como enfermedad laboral para trabajadores en el sector salud

Submitted by mmarquez on (12.04.2020) Decreto 538. Artículo 13. Requisitos para inclusión del Coronavirus COVID-19 como enfermedad laboral directa. Elimfnense los requisitos de que trata el parágrafo 2 del artículo 4 de la Ley 1562 de 2012 para incluir dentro de la tabla de enfermedades laborales, el Coronavirus COVID- 19 como enfermedad laboral directa, respecto de los trabajadores del sector salud, incluyendo al personal administrativo, de aseo, vigilancia y de apoyo que preste servicios en las diferentes actividades de prevención, diagnóstico y atención de esta enfermedad.

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Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits
Health promotion


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Cyprus: Granting of “sickness benefit”

Submitted by cambrosio on (15.03.2020)

The “Support Programme” includes the following measure on sickness cash benefits: 

Granting of “sickness benefit” of an average of €800 per month to workers who are dealing special health issues, cases of compulsory absence from work, persons over 63 years of age up to 65 years of age, who do not receive statutory pension and continue to work.
For the purpose of supporting self-employed workers, the sickness benefit will be granted the same way it does for employees, from the fourth day.

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Bahamas: Sickness benefit to employees quarantined

Submitted by mmarquez on (20.03.2020) The National Insurance Act & Regulations provides for the payment of Sickness Benefit when a worker is quarantined. Employees with at least 40 contributions to the NIB, have a doctor's certificate and the employer's confirmation. The benefit is 60% of the insured's average insured income and is payable for 14 days.

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Cash sickness benefits


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Norway: New measures to curb the financial impacts of the coronavirus outbreak

Submitted by cambrosio on (27.03.2020) Friday 27 March, the Government put forward additional financial measures to address the consequences of the coronavirus outbreak. Health related measures include:
- Employers are to be reimbursed for sickness benefits paid from the fourth day onwards for sickness absence related to the coronavirus;
- Employees are given the right to self-report sickness for 16 days even though the employer only pays from Day 4;

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France: MSA: une plateforme en ligne permettant à ses assurés de demander par eux-mêmes un arrêt de travail sans prescription médicale s’ils sont considérés comme étant des personnes à risque

Submitted by pmassetti on

La Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA), a déployé une plateforme en ligne permettant à ses assurés de demander par eux-mêmes un arrêt de travail sans prescription médicale s’ils sont considérés comme étant des personnes à risque et s’ils sont affiliés à la MSA.

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Cash sickness benefits
Service delivery
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España: Incapacidad temporal asimilada por Accidentes de Trabajo para el sector público

Submitted by mmarquez on (13.03.2020)

Se ha decidido también que el personal al servicio de la Administración Pública encuadrado en el régimen especial de mutualismo administrativo que se encuentre en situación de aislamiento preventivo, así como quienes se han contagiado del virus, se considerarán en Incapacidad Temporal asimilada a la baja laboral por Accidente deTrabajo. Se extiende de esta forma a los empleados públicos la medida adoptada el pasado martes para el Régimen General de la Seguridad Social.

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Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits
Occupational accidents and diseases
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