Guideline 13. Formulating appropriate bases for the establishment of contribution rates
The institution establishes calculation bases and contribution rates that are transparent and adapted to the needs of difficult-to-cover people.
The institution establishes calculation bases and contribution rates that are transparent and adapted to the needs of difficult-to-cover people.
Compliance regarding the payment of contributions is important for all types of contributory schemes, including voluntary and subsidized ones, as it provides the evidence of eligibility and ensures the financing for the accrued benefits.
The specific guidelines in this section are:
The institution establishes data quality assurance mechanisms to guarantee the integrity of the relevant administrative processes.
The institution adopts appropriate measures to facilitate effective registration of difficult-to-cover groups.
The institution simplifies the information requirements and facilitates registration of targeted groups.
The institution establishes a strategy to identify the population groups to be covered either through in-house efforts or in partnerships with external organizations.
Reaching out to difficult-to-cover groups involves identifying and registering populations who may be unfamiliar with government processes.
The specific guidelines in this section are:
The institution develops a strategy to reach out to groups by taking into account their needs, characteristics and local circumstances.
Communication is key to effective outreach to targeted populations, to provide information on the programmes available and to raise awareness of the benefits of social security for them, their family and their community.
The specific guideline in this section is:
The institution establishes an efficient organizational structure adapted to the needs and circumstances of difficult-to-cover groups.