Service Quality

Service Quality

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Teaching English and IT in ISSSTE-owned and commissioned structures

This best practice made improvements to the curriculum offered to children of nursery (1 year 7 months to 2 years 11 months) and preschool (3 to 6 years) ages in centres for child well-being and development. A comprehensive curriculum was set up to develop knowledge and skills and thus lay the foundation for children’s working lives. The curriculum introduces children to information technology (IT) with fun activities enabling them to acquire skills using computers.

Automatic generation of lists of beneficiaries who have the right to permanent family benefits (Aporte Familiar Permanente)

Since 2014, a cash benefit allowance is paid to millions of recipients in the month of March of every year to the most needy people and families. This benefit is called the “March Permanent Family Benefit” (Aporte Familiar Permanente Marzo – AFPM) which consolidates through the use of better technology the payment of various extraordinary allowances dating back to 2009 by standardizing the process, setting the selection criteria for beneficiaries, and issuing beneficiaries’ lists.

A medical certificates search engine

The medical certificates search engine on the Institute’s website via “Servicios Públicos en Línea” (“Online Public Services”) enables the local offices to verify admissible (public) information on the certificates issued to the Institute’s workers in order to speed up responses to requests for information and prevent the misuse of lost or no longer valid certificates.

A loan payment protection fund (Fondo de Protección de Desgravamen): An actuarial model to benefit teachers in the Peruvian education system

The Derrama Magisterial (DM) has begun offering a number of services in accordance with the terms of its Statutes, and one noteworthy scheme involves providing credit to member teachers at a preferential rate of interest. Such credit, along with other types of investment, helps support the organization, and contributes above all to providing pension-related benefits to member teachers and their dependents. 

Managing the pensions advisory service: Fostering a culture of pension awareness

The “pension benefit service” that Derrama Magisterial (DM) provides to its members must be accompanied with sufficient ongoing support, including giving information and guidance to teachers. This is the role of the pensions advisory service.

The pensions advisory service aims to promote and raise awareness about the social security system among members through constant outreach, thus forging close and lasting links.

Training informal caregivers for frail, elderly persons and persons with dementia

Within the framework of the Comprehensive Policy on Care for the Elderly (Política Integral de Atención a los Adultos Mayores), and in order to extend training to all those who need to take care of older persons, the State Employees’ Social Security and Social Services Institute (Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado – ISSSTE) offers a multimedia course, which is available in the institutional portal.

A platform for the historical reparation programme (Plataforma de Reparación Histórica): Recognizing rights

The Historical Reparation for Retirees and Pensioners Act (Ley de Reparación Histórica para Jubilados y Pensionados) of June 2016 provides for the current pension benefits of retirees and pensioners to be fully recalculated and where the discrepancies are in the beneficiaries’ favour, settlement offers are offered and which are then subject to judiciary approval to avoid future litigation.

Lifelong training: A path to safety, labour culture and service quality improvement

The Catholic Workers’ Circle of the Uruguay Mutual Fund (Círculo Católico de Obreros del Uruguay Mutualista – CCOUM) is part of the integrated national health system in Uruguay. In this regard, it is a provider of total health coverage as it has been a link of the country’s social security system thanks to its mutual structure.

Currently, it has approximately 92,529 members and 2,239 workers, 679 (31 per cent) of whom are nursing staff.

Implementation of a protocol system for day surgeries at the Catholic Workers' Circle of the Uruguay Mutual Fund of Uruguay (Círculo Católico de Obreros del Uruguay)

Improving the quality of services is an ongoing task that involves multiple dimensions such as listening to and evaluating the participants, transparency, excellence and investment in training as the main focus.

Hospitalization is an experience that involves both physical and emotional risks for the patient and family as well as institutional costs. Lowering these is the challenge of this good practice.