Since 2014, a cash benefit allowance is paid to millions of recipients in the month of March of every year to the most needy people and families. This benefit is called the “March Permanent Family Benefit” (Aporte Familiar Permanente Marzo – AFPM) which consolidates through the use of better technology the payment of various extraordinary allowances dating back to 2009 by standardizing the process, setting the selection criteria for beneficiaries, and issuing beneficiaries’ lists.
This is done electronically by accessing the state databases for information to select beneficiaries, and integrating these data and automating the selection criteria into a single system from which the beneficiaries’ lists are issued. This includes among other things complex algorithms which establish the rules to be applied when there are incompatibilities between this allowance and other benefits paid to segments of the population using a similar selection criteria. All this meets the criteria of legality and efficiency.