Good Governance

Good Governance

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Guideline code
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Improving information gathering and benefit claim processes to ensure citizen equal treatment

The overall goal for Sveriges a-kassor (the Swedish Unemployment Funds) is to provide services that help administer the unemployment insurance in a cost efficient way, avoiding unnecessary manual handling, securing equal treatment in its member service and minimizing erroneous payments of benefit claims.

Improving information gathering and benefit claim processes to ensure citizen equal treatment

The Swedish Federation of the Unemployment Insurance Funds (Sveriges a-kassor) provides services that help the 27 unemployment funds to administer the unemployment insurance scheme in Sweden. The goals are: facilitating the administration, to be cost efficient, avoid unnecessary manual handling, secure equal treatment in its member service and minimize erroneous payments of benefit claim. To address these goals, Sveriges a-kassor initiated a digital program to help transform the unemployment funds way of servicing its members as well as maintaining its cost efficiency.


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The ISSA Guidelines for Social Security Administration were prepared by the ISSA General Secretariat with the ISSA technical commissions.

Guideline 83. Standard policies and procedures

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Investments in ICT respond to the short- and medium-term needs of the institution and are always aligned with its strategic plan. The management establishes a standard system of policies and procedures to evaluate and decide on proposals for investments in ICT infrastructure, to enhance accountability, transparency, predictability, participation and dynamism.

B.9. Investments in ICT Infrastructure

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ICT is an indispensable enabler in the administration of social security programmes. It often determines whether services and processes can or cannot be done, within the institution and between the institution and its external partners. For this reason, the board and management must promote an efficient and adequate ICT infrastructure to support programme administration and operations.

Guideline 81. Personnel morale, compensation policy and decent work

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The board ensures that the institution’s human resources policies promote decent work conditions which, as defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO), are based on the understanding that work is a source of personal dignity, family stability and peace in the community. This includes providing a work environment that is safe, allows adequate rest and time for family, provides adequate compensation and access to social security protection, and respects the rights of workers regardless of gender, race or creed.