Service Quality

Service Quality

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Implementación de la Unidad de Gestión de la Calidad Nacional

Basados en  estándares de calidad que permitan proteger a nuestra población asegurada contra la pérdida o deterioro de la salud y garantizando el pago  de sus prestaciones pecuniarias mediante la administración de los recursos en forma adecuada y transparente evitando la duplicidad de esfuerzos para no dilapidar los recursos limitados de la Institución; se obtendrá una humanización en el servicio, la participación del personal con liderazgo, desarrollo de enfoque basado en procesos, la mejora continua en la prestación de los servicios médicos y pecuniarios por medio del aseguramie

Implementing a specialized information service on medicine quality for the health professionals of CCSS Costa Rica

This good practice consists in implementing an information service specialized in medicines quality within the Social Insurance Fund of Costa Rica’s (Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social – CCSS) Laboratory for Medicines Standards and Quality (Laboratorio de Normas y Calidad de Medicamentos – LNCM) for the benefit of health professionals working in the institution’s services network. The service offers impartial and timely technical and scientific information as an optimum strategy for providing individuals with the specific information they need.

Institutional training policies based on a development programme: Mechanisms for innovation and continuous improvement

This good practice presents the training programmes implemented by the Uruguayan social security institute, which have been deemed a substantial qualitative step forward. The strategic plan for 2011–2015 included in its lines of action “the development of modern human resource management policies, honing staff members’ skills and improving the working environment and occupational health in the organization”.

Specialists in one click

As part of its policies to promote a social security institution that is more effective and efficient and closer to the people, allowing their quality of life to be improved, a strategy for multi-channel services has been drawn up with the aim of offering citizens different channels of customer service depending on their needs.

Distance training via videoconferencing

E-training has come to the fore as a means of enabling training programmes to be offered to the organization’s officials on a large scale. Until now, the method has relied on so-called Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), and more specifically the Moodle platform, which is used by the institution.

The aim is to improve this training method by adopting videoconferencing as an e-training tool, using synchronous techniques to enable real-time interaction between speakers in different locations and, with other strategies, to replicate on-site courses.

Doubling the social security benefits of natural disaster victims

Every year, the world is battered by natural phenomena, and their effects disrupt daily human life. Thunderstorms, floods, volcanic eruptions and forest fires are becoming ever more common across all regions of Argentina.

In response to this, a number of presidential decrees have provided for temporary supplements in the amount of 100 per cent of family allowance, unemployment benefit and pension payments to thousands of people seriously affected by natural phenomena to reduce the economic impact of such events.

Telemedicine: An effective tool for technology transfer and personalized medical care for patients travelling outside their place of origin

June 2015: after taking up the post of Director of Foreign Travel at the Social Health Insurance Institute (Seguro Social de Salud – EsSalud), I had the following experience: a patient had come back from a foreign country after spending a month there and I decided to go with him to his first check-up in Peru. The attending doctor looked at me and asked “What do you want me to do with this patient? He has had a type of treatment that we don’t use in this country and I’m not familiar with it.

The DeportISSSTE programme for retirees and pensioners

  • The State Employees’ Social Security and Social Services Institute (Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado – ISSSTE) has been offering pensioners and retirees nationwide the opportunity to take part in sporting events in athletics, swimming, tai chi and catchball, through the DeportISSSTE programme since 1995.
  • These events encourage older people to engage in physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, thus improving the retirees’ quality of life.
  • Since these state, regional and national events began more tha

Sampling instead of travelling: A strategy that brings more hope to children waiting for bone marrow treatment abroad

Most patients requiring Unrelated Bone Marrow Transplantation – UBMT (trasplante de médula ósea no emparentado – TMO-NE) through Peru’s Social Health Insurance Institute (Seguro Social de Salud – EsSalud) are being treated for leukaemia, and the majority of these are children.

Securing the personal loans process

There was a year in Mexico when identity theft increased by 141 per cent. According to statistics from the Bank of Mexico, the country has the eighth highest rate of identity theft in the world (Gazette No. 2667, Chamber of Deputies: 2016).

As regards the State Employees' Social Security and Social Services Institute (Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado – ISSSTE), weaknesses were found in the personal loan approval process that facilitated the falsification of ID documents and loan application forms.