Service Quality

Service Quality

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The National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA) was created in 2000 by an Act of Parliament number 40 of 1996 to administer the National Pension Scheme. The Authority’s key mandate includes; registration of members, collection of member contributions, prudent investment of the contributions, and to pay benefits when they fall due.

Application of provisions to increase pension rights: The case of the National Social Security and Insurance Trust

The National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) was established through an Act of Parliament and is charged with the responsibility of administering the Sierra Leone Pension Scheme. NASSIT started full operations in January 2002 as a partially funded defined benefit pension plan which requires a member to contribute for at least 180 months on/before they retire at age 60 to qualify for full retirement pension.

Automating links between pharmacists and medical checks

Automating the working relationship between health-care professionals involves eliminating the need for insured persons to visit the offices of the National Social Security Fund for Non-Salaried Workers (Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale des non-salariés  ‒ CASNOS) to obtain approval by medical supervisors of prescribed medication, thereby improving relations with our partners by granting them access to the following services:

For insured persons:

Dematerialization of the procurement process

As part of its policy of constant improvement and in an effort to reduce dependence on physical media, the National Social Insurance Fund (Institution de prévoyance sociale - Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale – IPS-CNPS) introduced in September 2016 computerized processes for a number of major activities involved in its procurement processes.

The new processes offer numerous advantages:

Providing employers an application facilitating the automatic generation of data relating to insured individual accounts: “e-DISA”

As part of its role of managing the contribution history of its insured members, the Social Insurance Institute – National Social Insurance Fund (Institution de prévoyance sociale – Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale – IPS-CNPS) has developed a computer-based tool, termed “e-DISA”, to encourage employers to communicate workers’ individual data (length of service and remuneration). Introduced in 2013, e-DISA enables employers to produce workers’ Individual Declarations of annual earnings (DISA) electronically and securely.

Implementing a quality management system at the call centre for worker assistance

Superintendency of Occupational Risks (Superintendencia de Riesgos del Trabajo – SRT) Resolution No. 219/2016 established a model for management by objectives and results with a view to providing quality services. This is one of the main management tools required to achieve the goal of meeting citizens’ needs and expectations more successfully.

SRT Resolution No. 260/2016 also provided for the first Customer Service Quality Management System; this was implemented at the Call Centre for Worker Assistance. The main objectives included:

Execution of a “physical census of beneficiaries” in all communes nationwide

Despite the age of the institution established in 2010, the National Pension and Occupational Risks Office for Civil Servants, Magistrates and Judicial Personnel (Office national des pensions et risques professionnels des fonctionnaires, des magistrats et des agents de l’ordre judiciaire – ONPR) every  March  since 2012 conducts a physical census of beneficiaries across the country in order to update its database and deactivate beneficiaries who no longer fulfil the conditions for the award of benefits.