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A Straight-Through Process (STP) for contributions collection for the National Social Security Fund (The Fund)

In a fast changing world, effective data management differentiates efficient organizations from the rest. In the past, the National Social Security Fund (herafter, The Fund) struggled with data management. This process was manual and required a team of dedicated staff. Posting of contributions to member accounts witnessed delays and some cases, totally forgotten. The result was that in June 2014, The Fund had USD 30 million in suspense accounts. The Straight Through Process (STP) project for contribution collection was implemented to ensure that:

The National Social Security Fund Friends with Benefits campaign initiative

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) would like to provide all its members effective social risk management solutions. Members should trust that the Fund delivers what it promises. The Fund has faced accusations that qualifying members are not paid their savings when they are due. It was also reported that most members use up all their savings within 48 months after payment.

The Fund developed a public tactical campaign that sought to show that:

Bundled Payment as a Mode of Strategic Purchasing

Prior to August 2015, NHIF was only offering Inpatient services.  In order to meet the increasing customer demand for quality and enhanced benefits, NHIF embarked on conducting an Actuarial Study on the viability of enhancing the benefits & the cost implications for sustainability purposes. This paved way for the introduction of enhanced bundled benefits. These were;

1.        Outpatient Services

2.         Caesarean Section

Complaints Management System, a tool for effective supervision

The Social Security Regulatory Authority (SSRA) in Tanzania was established under section 5 of the Social Security (Regulatory Authority) Act No.5 of 2008. Among other things, the Authority has powers to regulate and supervise the Tanzania Social Security Sector. The Authority regulates five DB schemes namely; NSSF, PSPF, LAPF, GEPF and PPF. It also regulates one Workers Compensation Fund, WCF and one health Fund, NHIF.

Partnership with the State Treasury for the payment of benefits

The National Social Insurance Fund (Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale – CNaPS) is the public institution managing the various branches (family benefits, work injuries, and occupational disease, pensions) of social protection for employees in Madagascar. It also manages the collection of contributions, and hence needs nationwide geographical presence. The priority accorded to maintaining the level of coverage and adjusting it to the needs of its members is a daily challenge for the CNaPS.

Payment of health insurance premiums via mobile money (M-PESA)

The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) has been focusing its efforts to recruit members from the informal sector in a bid to achieve Universal Health Coverage. Further, NHIF has also engaged strategic partners to cover the indigents. This meant that there was need for innovations to meet the needs of this target group. One area of concern was how NHIF would collect insurance premiums from members in the informal sector.

Pooling management system for the declaration and payment of taxes, social security contributions, and payroll-based employer contributions

The combined management system for the declaration and payment of taxes, social security contributions, and payroll-based employer contributions was established as a new requirement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on 12 May 2015 by the Inter-Ministerial Decrees No. 20/CAB/VPM/ETPS/WM/2015 and No. CAB/MIN/FINANCES/2015/0143. It provides a “one-stop shop for submitting declarations” and paying the corresponding taxes by means of a single payment order to be submitted to the banking institutions.


The National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA) was created in 2000 by the Act of Parliament number 40 of 1996 to administer the National Pension Scheme. The Authority's key mandate includes the registration of members, collection of member contributions, prudent investment of the contributions, and the payment of benefits when they fall due. The Authority is also mandated by law to enforce compliance by employers to the provisions of the Act.


The National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA) was created in 2000 by an Act of Parliament number 40 of 1996 to administer the National Pension Scheme. The Authority’s key mandate includes; registration of members, collection of member contributions, prudent investment of the contributions, and to pay benefits when they fall due.