Shocks & extreme events

The Challenges of Targeting Social Protection Programs

Submitted by pmassetti on (10 febrary 2022) In 2020, when the pandemic began, many governments worldwide undertook the task of channeling emergency support to their most vulnerable citizens. This task, made more difficult by the unprecedented public health restrictions implemented in various settings, was fraught with difficulties. This included ensuring that help reached those who needed it the most, and that precious resources did not go to people who did not need support.

Global challenges


Document Type

How Can Basic Income and Health Care Prevent the Next Crisis?

Submitted by pmassetti on (10.09.2021) As countries seek to contain COVID-19, a return to the way things were is not an option, according to Olivier De Schutter, the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights. Instead, countries must guarantee basic living conditions. “We see that when social protection remains weak, the poorest pay the price,” De Schutter said. “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic slowdown, an estimated 115 million additional people may have fallen into extreme poverty in 2020, and 35 million more may follow this year.

Extension of coverage


Document Type

The Increase in Social Protection Programs During COVID-19

Submitted by pmassetti on

BORGEN (14.08.2021) In an attempt to protect from economic disaster in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments enacted an unprecedented number of social protection programs. According to the World Bank, Social protection “traditionally consists of labor markets, pensions, social funds and ‘safety nets’.” Although developing countries introduced 1,300+ social protection and jobs programs related to COVID-19, the International Labor Organization (ILO) “estimates 255 million full-time equivalent” job losses in 2020.

Shocks & extreme events


Document Type

Bangladesh: Redesigning social safety net programmes to mitigate Covid-19 impacts

Submitted by pmassetti on (10.08.2021) The Government of Bangladesh has allocated 17.83 per cent of the total budget for fiscal 2021-22 for Social Safety Net Programmes (SSNPs). The coverage is diverse; it includes programmes related to poverty eradication, education, health, infrastructure, disaster management, housing for the poor, amongst many. However, if we take out pensions and honorarium for the non-poor, educational stipends, agricultural subsidies and so on, the actual social safety net allocation comes down to 50 per cent.

Regions / Country
Social policies & programmes


Document Type

Report: Employment and Social Developments in Europe review shows diverse impact of COVID-19 crisis

Submitted by pmassetti on

European Commission (06.07.2021) This review provides an up-to-date economic analysis of the steps the European Union (EU) is taking towards a strong social Europe, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis. This ESDE report shows that the social impact of the COVID-19 crisis has been uneven and diverse. Regional inequalities that already existed before the pandemic may have widened, according to the review.

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges


Document Type

National cash transfer responses to Covid-19: operational lessons learned for social protection system-strengthening and future shocks

Submitted by pmassetti on (09.07.2021) Before Covid-19, many countries were engaged in the process of strengthening core social protection systems and exploring ways to develop their shock-responsive capacity. However, these system-building efforts were still nascent in many low- and middle-income countries (LICs and MICs) and even in countries with more developed systems, maintaining and extending provision in response to a shock as vast, sudden and severe as Covid-19 represented a significant operational challenge.

Global challenges
Cash transfers


Document Type

COVID-19 and the Irish welfare system

Submitted by pmassetti on

ESRI (21.06.2021) COVID-19 had, and continues to have, a strong negative effect on incomes in Ireland due to widespread job losses as the measures put in place to slow the spread of the disease resulted in severe economic restrictions. Despite the existence of unemployment supports, additional income supports were introduced to protect incomes. As public health restrictions lift and the economy recovers, we face the withdrawal of such supports. We examine these supports and the role they played in supporting incomes.

Regions / Country
Shocks & extreme events


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Duflo offers pathways to a better future, lessons from COVID-19 crisis

Submitted by pmassetti on

UNCTAD (16.06.2021) Coronavirus pandemic recovery efforts should provide comprehensive social protection, fight climate change and ensure vaccines reach the poorest people quickly.

Global challenges


Document Type

Italy: Extension of the layoff ban

Submitted by cambrosio on (07.04.2021)

The ban on layoffs is extended until 30 June 2021 for workers in companies covered by ordinary CIG (CIGO) and extraordinary CIG (CIGS)(mainly industry and agriculture). The ban on redundancies is extended until 31 October 2021 for workers in companies covered by social shock nets in derogation (mainly tertiary sector).

Regions / Country
Global challenges


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