
The Real Story of Brazil’s Pension Reform

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Americas Quarterly (11.07.2019)9  the constitutional amendment to the second and final vote at the Lower House has left many analysts scratching their heads. How is it that a controversial and usually unpopular reform everywhere in the world wound up with significant support both in the Brazilian Congress and among the population at large, including by stirring street demonstrations in its favor? There are a few competing theories out there, but I posit that the Brazilian outcome was mainly the result of political dysfunction and extreme polarization within society.

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[Opinion] Malaysia: Employers play vital role in achieving zero accidents

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Star Online (15.07.2019) The Building and Wood Workers’ International-Malaysia Liaison Council is fully in support of the Vision Zero Malaysia campaign, that emulates the global initiative introduced by the International Social Security Association.

Regions / Country
Prevention of occupational risks


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CNPS: Des pensions retraites plus consistantes - Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale

Submitted by pmondoa on

Grace à la réforme paramétrique intervenue en février2015, à l’initiative du président de la République, la pension mensuelle la plus élevée payée par la CNPS est passée de 154 000 francs CFA en 2008 à 409 100 francs CFA à ce jour !

Regions / Country
Global challenges
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UK: Amazon Alexa-NHS partnership splits expert opinion

Submitted by pmassetti on

BBC News (10.07.2019) Worried about a lump? Got a nasty cough that won't budge? Many people Google queries about such symptoms daily - but now they can get NHS advice instantly by asking Amazon's Alexa.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Tunisia secures $175 million (in loans) from World Bank to invest in startups and digitization of social security and education systems

Submitted by pmassetti on (09.07.2019) Tunisia has secured $175 million from the World Bank to support digital transformation in the country, the World Bank Group announced last month in a statement. The funding, according to different media reports, comes in the form of two loans.

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Namibia: Efforts intensify on drafting social protection policy

Submitted by dfabbri on

New Era Live (11.07.2019) Zephania Kameeta, Minister of Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare this when officially opening a regional consultative workshop on the Social Protection Policy Draft at Keetmanshoop earlier this week. The parliamentarian then explained that this draft aims specifically to address vulnerabilities, tackle social exclusion and eradicate poverty.

Regions / Country
Social assistance
Conditional cash transfers


Document Type

How the gig economy could help power Africa's growth

Submitted by pmassetti on

World Economic Forum (17.06.2019) By introducing portable benefits for gig workers, African governments and digital platforms can help to power the continent’s future growth. Otherwise, these platforms will lose top talent, countries will miss out on potential tax revenue, and Africa will fail to reap the full benefits of the digital revolution.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

France: Le décryptage éco. Réforme des retraites : des mesures dès 2020 ?

Submitted by dfabbri on

francetvinfo (08.07.2019) La réforme des retraites promise par Emmanuel Macron se prépare. Mais ce week-end, Laurent Berger, le numéro un de la CFDT, a mis en garde le gouvernement si d’aventure il était tenté de prendre des mesures dès 2020 pour changer les règles. Laurent Berger a-t-il raison d’avoir peur ?

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