
Covid-19 :l'aide de 900 euros pour 400 000 travailleurs précaires prolongée de trois mois, annonce Elisabeth Borne

Submitted by pmassetti on

La ministre du Travail Elisabeth Borne a annoncé lundi 15 février que l'aide exceptionnelle de 900 euros mise en place en novembre, pour lutter contre la crise liée au Covid-19, serait prolongée de trois mois, jusque fin mai, comme l'a révélé RTL. Cette aide, qui a déjà bénéficié à 400 000 personnes, permet à toutes celles qui ont travaillé au moins 138 jours en CDD ou en intérim (soit plus de 60% du temps de travail annuel) en 2019, mais qui n'ont pas pu travailler suffisamment en 2020 pour recharger leurs droits à l'assurance-chômage du fait de la crise sanit

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Mexico: Unemployment insurance, a necessary response in Mexico

Submitted by mmarquez on

El Economista México (08.12.2020). Granting unemployment insurance to the Mexican population, given the conditions that are experienced by the health and economic crisis of Covid-19, is one of the necessary responses for an economy such as that of our country, said Gerardo Esquivel, deputy governor of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico). As of now, there is no federal unemployment social insurance. Only Mexico City counts with a tax-funded unemployment benefit granted for up to two months.

Regions / Country
Global challenges


Document Type

Social Protection in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico During the Pandemic

Submitted by pmassetti on

Center For Global Development (04.02.2020) In a new CGD Note, we look at these social protection policy responses to COVID in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. What programs did governments launch? How effective have they been in reaching the beneficiaries of social security systems and existing cash transfer programs, and in providing safety nets for households outside of these existing systems? What is the potential effect of safety net policies on inequality and poverty? The short answer, as we explain below, is that the response has been very heterogeneous

Regions / Country
latin america


Document Type

India: ESIC, other social security safety nets to cover gig economy workers

Submitted by pmassetti on

The Indian Express (02.02.2021) The Budget for 2021-22 (April-March) also proposes to launch a portal that would collect relevant information on gig economy workers, including those working in building and construction, among others.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

How technology can be deployed to scale-up Social Protection during COVID-19: The Case of South Africa, Nigeria and Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on

Research ICT Africa (January 2021) This RIA policy brief examines how technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), can be deployed to scale social protection programmes as well as reduce corruption in the disbursement of social protection grants, which the COVID-19 lockdowns, have revealed are vital lifelines for the most vulnerable.

Regions / Country
south africa
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Document Type

COVID-19 and food security in Ethiopia: Do social protection programs protect?

Submitted by pmassetti on (01.02.2021) The COVID-19 pandemic is testing global food and social protection systems at an unprecedented scale. The spread of the pandemic is disrupting food systems and undermining the food and nutrition security of households.

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DRC: The Covid-19 Fund benefits from a donation of USD 100,000 in protective equipment from TDB

Submitted by cambrosio on (28.12.2020)

The Trade Development Bank (TDB) has donated Covid-19 protection materials to the National Coronavirus Solidarity Fund (NCSF). The donation, valued at US$100,000, was handed over by Finance Minister Sele Yalaghuli, who is the Congolese government's focal point to TDB.

Regions / Country
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Global challenges
Safety and health at work


Document Type

DRC: payment due date for property and rental income tax deferred to 31 March 2021

Submitted by cambrosio on (02.02.2021)

Prévue pour le premier février 2021, l’échéance de paiement de l’impôt foncier et de l’impôt sur les revenus locatifs a été reporté par le Gouverneur de la ville de Kinshasa, Gentiny Ngobila, au 31 mars 2021.

Regions / Country
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type