
Cyprus: Granting of “sickness benefit”

Submitted by cambrosio on (15.03.2020)

The “Support Programme” includes the following measure on sickness cash benefits: 

Granting of “sickness benefit” of an average of €800 per month to workers who are dealing special health issues, cases of compulsory absence from work, persons over 63 years of age up to 65 years of age, who do not receive statutory pension and continue to work.
For the purpose of supporting self-employed workers, the sickness benefit will be granted the same way it does for employees, from the fourth day.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits
Document Type

Cyprus: Granting of a “Special Leave” allowance

Submitted by cambrosio on (15.03.2020)

Granting of a “Special Leave” allowance to parents who are employed in the private sector for the care of children up to 15 years old (including the third grade of gymnasium) due to the suspension of classes in schools, both public and private, in nurseries and kindergartens. The “special leave”may last up to 4 weeks. (budget of €20mn, potential beneficiaries 50.000 persons).

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash transfers


Document Type

San Marino: ISS - Istituto per la Sicurezza Sociale di San Marino: Dematerialized the prescription of medicines: from today the telematic service to request the prescription via WEB is active

Submitted by cambrosio on (06.04.2020)

From Monday, April 6, the online service allowing patients to request services from the computer, tablet or smartphone is active, without having to go to the Health Center, thus avoiding travel, lines or waiting on the phone. In addition to the "repetitive prescription" and the "ordinary prescription", other requests for health services will be activated afterwards and will be promptly communicated to users. As of today, the equivalent of 400 prescriptions per day are expected to be delivered by civil protection and volunteers.

Regions / Country
San Marino
Global challenges
Service delivery
Document Type

Hong Kong: A very comprehensive COVID-19 OSH Information Pack

Submitted by btreichel on

The Occupational Safety and Health Council has developed a COVID-19 OSH Information Pack, which includes a wealth of ressources for many areas of economic activity. Some of these ressources are available in multiple languages, such as Chinese, English, Filipino, Nepali and Urdu: 

Regions / Country
Hong Kong, China
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type

Slovenia: ANTICORONA PACKAGE – current measures to assist employers (update)

Submitted by cambrosio on (10.08.2020)

The main measures are, under certain conditions:

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Sénégal: Paiement des factures d'électricité : La mesure est à "effet immédiat"

Submitted by cambrosio on (06.04.2020)

L’Etat a décidé de prendre en charge les dépenses pour une valeur de 15, 5 milliards de francs Cfa pour le paiement des factures d’électricité des ménages abonnés à la tranche sociale pour un bimestre, soit environ 975 522 ménages. Un montant de 3 milliards est également alloué pour la prise en charge des factures d’eau de 662 000 ménages de la tranche sociale pour également un bimestre. (La tranche sociale, ce sont ceux qui sont dans la tranche inférieure ou égale à 250 kw/heure).

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Document Type

Niger: Baisse de la croissance, deux décès et premiers cas hors Niamey

Submitted by cambrosio on (01.4.2020)

Pour lutter contre l'épidémie de coronavirus, le président du Niger Mahamadou Issoufou avait déjà annoncé la semaine dernière des distributions gratuites et des ventes à prix réduits de vivres pour soutenir les personnes vulnérables, et la prise en charge par l'Etat des factures d'électricité et de l'eau pour les tranches sociales pour les mois d'avril et mai.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers


Document Type

Deutschland: "Best Practice" gegen Corona-Infektionen

Submitted by btreichel on

Die BGHW hat eine Sammlung von Praxisbeispielen zur Bekämpfung der Corona-Infektionen aus dem HANDEL für den HANDEL auf ihrer Webseite veröffentlicht.  Diese Beispiele sollen Ihnen Anregungen geben, wenn Sie Lösungen für ähnliche arbeitstechnische Probleme suchen.

Hier geht's zum Download der Dokumente.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Document Type