US: New Jersey legislator seeks federal loans to bail out state pensions (29.07.2015) A top New Jersey Democrat wants the federal government to create a low-interest loan program to rescue states with big public pension problems. (29.07.2015) A top New Jersey Democrat wants the federal government to create a low-interest loan program to rescue states with big public pension problems.
Dossier Familial (30.07.2015) 2014, le nombre d'accidents du travail a progressé de 0,5% et celui de maladies professionnelles de 0,3%. Ces hausses, précise le rapport de gestion 2014 de la Direction des risques professionnels de l'assurance maladie suivent deux années de baisse.
Tribune de Genève (29.07.2015) En Allemagne, de plus en plus de personnes de plus de 65 ans occupent un emploi. La hausse de l'âge d'entrée en retraite explique ce phénomène, mais pas seulement.
Aujourd'hui le Maroc (29.07.2015) Les parties concernées (ANAM, CNSS, CNOPS, prestataires privés et publics de soins) se sont engagées à signer ces nouvelles conventions avant la fin de l’année.
The Guardian (29.07.2015) David Cameron launches review by Dame Carol Black of welfare for those with drug, alcohol or obesity problems
Scroll In (29.07.2015) The Modi government is yet to make its ambitious health plan public, and experts fear it will end up outsourcing care to the private sector instead of strengthening public hospitals.
This Day Live (29.07.2015) As several West African countries, including Nigeria, move to implement their own forms of social security, deployment of ICT has been identified as an effective tool to drive its smooth implementation. Damilola Oyedele writes. (28.07.2015) With most parts of the world introducing social security as a step to lift their citizens off the social floor, the popularity of the programme in West Africa sub-region is still abysmally low. (22.07.2015) The State Secretary for Social Welfare, Maria da Luz Magalhães, Wednesday pledged the government commitment to promotes and guarantee the necessary measures to ensure the right to assistance of childhood, pregnancy, disability and old age in any working situation
La libre (16.07.2015) La Chambre a approuvé jeudi en séance plénière après de longs débats parlementaires le relèvement de l'âge de la retraite à 67 ans. Le vote s'est déroulé majorité contre opposition. Seul le PP s'est abstenu.