Les numéros de Sécurité sociale de plus de 20 millions d'Américains piratés

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francetvinfo.fr (13.07.2015) Piratage de grande ampleur aux Etats-Unis. Des hackers ont mis la main sur des données sensibles de 21,5 millions d'Américains, dont des numéros de sécurité sociale, annonce l'Office of personnel management (OPM, en anglais), jeudi 9 juillet. Ces données étaient stockées dans des bases des pouvoirs publics.

Regions / Country
United States
Information and communication technology


Greece offers tax hikes and pension reform in new bailout plan

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Deutsche Welle (10.07.2015) Greece has submitted new bailout proposals to its eurozone creditors in a last ditch effort to unlock more funding and avoid economic collapse. The measures are more in line with lenders' demands than previous offers.

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Combining social protection with pro-poor investments can eradicate world hunger by 2030

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UN News Center (10.07.2015) According to a new joint United Nations agency report, an additional $160 per year for each person living in extreme poverty would end chronic hunger – and additional investments of an estimated $267 billion annually in social protection and in rural and urban areas would sustainably eradicate world hunger by 2030.

Jorge Familiar: “Lo que cambió en América Latina es la exigencia social”

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El País (08.07.2015) Las reformas acometidas en los últimos años y la presión de la sociedad latinoamericana por avanzar contra la pobreza o lograr mejores servicios públicos son, en opinión del mexicano Jorge Familiar, las mejoras salvaguardas ante un horizonte económico que vuelve a nublarse.

Regions / Country
latin america

Namibia: Conference on social protection schemes opens

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The Namibian (09.07.2015) Labour, industrial relations and employment creation minister Erkki Nghimtina says the Social Security Commission (SSC) of Namibia is working hard to establish the National Pension Fund and the National Medical Benefit Fund as mandated by the Social Security Act, 1994.

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‘Cynical’ EU blamed for 100,000 workplace-related cancers

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EurActiv (08.07.2015) The European Commission’s drive to simplify legislation for businesses – the Better Regulation Agenda – has come under fire from trade unions for blocking EU laws that could save thousands of lives per year.

Regions / Country
european union
Occupational accidents and diseases
