France: Une meilleure protection sociale grâce à la généralisation de la complémentaire santé

Submitted by monitor on Wed, 06/24/2015 - 08:32

Challenges (23.06.2015) D’ici le 1er janvier 2016, toutes les entreprises du secteur privé devront avoir mis en place une mutuelle d’entreprise à destination de leurs salariés. Ce dispositif a été instauré dans le cadre de l’Accord National Interprofessionnel (ANI). Objectif : offrir aux Français un meilleur accès aux soins en passant par l’entreprise. Explications

Regions / Country
Health insurance

Indonesia: BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to Cover Informal-Sector Workers as of July

Submitted by monitor on Tue, 06/23/2015 - 14:26

The Jakarta Globe (18.06.2015) The Social Security Administration Body for Employment, or BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, announced on Thursday that it would officially start insuring workers without a regular salary as of July 1.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage

Plus les riches sont riches et moins la croissance est forte

Submitted by monitor on Tue, 06/23/2015 - 09:12 (15.06.2015) Les tenants de la théorie du « ruissellement » ou « trickle down », selon laquelle les revenus des plus riches contribueraient à la croissance, ont du souci à se faire : des économistes du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) contestent ouvertement cette approche. Dans une étude sur les causes et les conséquences des inégalités, présentée lundi 15 juin, ils établissent au contraire que, plus la fortune des riches s’accroît, moins forte est la croissance.


Germany's minimum wage effect: Fewer workers receiving unemployment aid

Submitted by monitor on Tue, 06/23/2015 - 07:46

EurActiv (23.06.2015) Effective since the beginning of 2015, the minimum wage seems to be paying off, with government statistics showing that fewer workers have been dependent on the Hartz IV unemployment benefit since the start of the year. EurActiv Germany reports.

Regions / Country
Social assistance

A Greek paradox: many elderly are broke despite costly pensions

Submitted by monitor on Mon, 06/22/2015 - 14:21

Reuters (16.06.2015) The plight of 79-year-old Athenian Zina Razi and thousands like her strikes at the heart of why talks between Greece and its creditors have collapsed. She lives off a pension system that helps to consume a huge proportion of state spending and can appear overly indulgent - but still she's broke.

Regions / Country


Cidade de Maputo próxima da meta de inserção de histórico de remunerações

Submitted by monitor on Mon, 06/22/2015 - 12:40

INSS/Noticias (11.06.2015) A Delegação Provincial do INSS na Cidade de Maputo está próxima de atingir a meta de inserção do histórico de remunerações de beneficiários, cuja previsão está marcada para o mês de Novembro

Regions / Country
Governance and administration

Missão Brasileira avalia processo de modernização do Sistema

Submitted by monitor on Mon, 06/22/2015 - 09:27

INSS/Noticias (11.06.2015) Uma missão de técnicos do Ministério de Previdência Social e do Instituto Nacional de Seguro Social (INSS) do Brasil encontra-se, desde 9 de Junho corrente, em Maputo, para avaliar o estágio do projecto de Modernização e Informatização do Sistema de Segurança Social de Moçambique

Regions / Country
Governance and administration