PAHO WHO: Minister of Health and Wellness of St. Lucia explores health collaboration with PAHO

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PAHO (07.03.2017) Mary Isaac, the Minister of Health and Wellness of St. Lucia, is on a two-day visit to Pan American Health Organization headquarters here to explore health collaboration and outline work on priority public health issues for her island country.


Greece Must Strengthen Social Safety Nets, OECD 'Going for Growth' Report Says

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Greek Reporter (18.03.2017) Greece must continue to strengthen social safety nets, ease regulation in network industries, enhance efficiency in public administration; improve the fairness and efficiency of its tax system and improve the quality of its education system. This is according to a report released on Friday by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) “Going for Growth 2017”.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage

[Report] Starting strong: Implementation of the social SDGs in Latin America

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Southern Voice on Post-MDGs Development Goals (23.11.2016) This research paper, commissioned as part of the series ‘Starting Strong: the first 1000 days of the SDGs’, identifies key actions toward addressing the unfinished business of the MDGs and how to reach those who are furthest behind in relation to the new SDGs.

Regions / Country
latin america


[Rapport] France: L'insertion professionnelle des jeunes

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France Stratégie (24.01.2017) C’était une des onze mesures pour la jeunesse promises par le gouvernement au printemps 2016. La concertation en faveur de l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes, lancée en septembre dernier, s’est conclue mardi 24 janvier 2017 par la remise d’un rapport de diagnostic à la ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi, de la Formation professionnelle et du Dialogue social.

Regions / Country
Employment of young workers