[Analyse] France: Protection sociale - concilier solidarité et liberté dans un monde en plein bouleversement

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Les Echos (05.03.2017) Prévalence de nouvelles formes de contrat de travail, explosion du chômage, accroissement du nombre de retraités, avènement des nouvelles technologies… Tous ces changements sont autant de défis pour le monde de la protection sociale. Comment faire évoluer les modes de financement et les couvertures sociales, tout en conciliant solidarité et liberté ? C’est toute la question !

Regions / Country
Social policies & programmes

France: Pays surréglementé, la France est tombée amoureuse d’Uber

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tdg.ch (10.04.2017) Fruit de la révolution numérique, Uber fait un carton dans les banlieues. De manière générale, la France se veut le pays de la nouvelle économie. Les politiques sont à la traîne.

Regions / Country
Employment of young workers
Information and communication technology

SSA's Quick Disability Determination (QDD) and Compassionate Allowances (CAL) - CarePlus New Jersey Mental Health Care, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Therapy

Submitted by ruggia on

Social Security Administration is committed to providing benefits quickly to claimants whose medical conditions are so serious that they clearly meet our disability standards.  Our two fast-track processes, Quick Disability Determination (QDD) and Compassionate Allowances (CAL), use technology to identify claimants with the most severe disabilities and allow us to expedite our decisions on those cases while maintaining accuracy.  These initiatives have been two of our greatest successes in recent years. We can approve some cases in a matter of days instead of months.

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Document Type

Quick Disability Determination (QDD) - Part 1 of Fast-Track Disability Process - Disability Help Group

Submitted by ruggia on

Country: USA. Institution: SSA. DocType: Regulation/Business Process.

In an effort to improve the speed and quality of their disability claims process, Social Security developed the “fast-track” program, a two-part initiative that uses computer technology to identify cases where the decision is highly likely or certain to be favorable.

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Document Type

New Forms of Work in the Digital Economy - OECD iLibrary

Submitted by massetti on

This paper provides new evidence on the development of online platforms and explores the emergence of new forms of work in the digital economy. Following the rise of platforms that match demand and supply of goods (e-commerce) and information (search, social networks), platform markets for services traded over the Internet (the "x"-economy) have grown exponentially in recent years.

Document Type