Retirement Age in Belize Revisited

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Amandala News (13.10.2016) There is a close correlation between a person’s retirement age, pension and social security benefits in that they normally fall relatively close to each other. Though a country’s standard retirement age varies, the norm is between the ages of 55 and 70 years; with some being higher. The retirement age for most countries in this region falls between 60 and 65 years. Belize on the other hand has one of the lowest mandatory retirement ages of 55 years for employees of the Public Service, the largest employer in the country.

Which countries face the biggest policy challenges of aging populations in Europe and Central Asia?

Submitted by monitor on (13.10.2016) The Europe and Central Asia region is the oldest region on the planet. This means that the 46 countries of the region are also at the forefront of addressing some of the many policy challenges that aging populations bring. How is the region faring with its heterogeneous group of countries?

Belgique: L’ennui au boulot : future maladie professionnelle ?

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Le soir (03.10.2016) Après le burn out, voici le bore out. Le bore out (boring en anglais signifiant ennuyeux), c’est l’ennui au travail qui implique une détérioration mentale et physique d’une personne à qui on ne donne rien à faire malgré un contrat de travail.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases

Andriukaitis: Health Technology Assessment will make EU healthcare ‘sustainable’

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EurActiv (20.10.2016) National healthcare systems should embrace the digital era and use Health Technology Assessment (HTA) to become truly sustainable and cost-effective, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis told in an interview.

Regions / Country
european union
Information and communication technology

[Opinion] France: Julien Damon - « La décentralisation du RSA est un lourd fardeau pour les départements »

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Les Echos (05.10.2016) Le département du Haut Rhin n’a pas obtenu le droit de conditionner le versement du Revenu de solidarité active (RSA) en échange de sept heures hebdomadaire de bénévolat. Pour Julien Damon, professeur associé à Sciences po, il ne s’agit pas d’une surprise, mais il est temps que l’Etat reprenne en main les prestations sociales.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration

La Eurocámara propone un seguro de desempleo común para futuras crisis

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El País (23.10.2016) Tras salir de la fase más aguda de su crisis existencial, la eurozona está en medio de una recuperación mediocre, con varios líos políticos gravitando a su alrededor y la sospecha de que la Gran Recesión no ha dicho la última palabra. Europa necesita al menos completar la unión bancaria a medio hacer y una capacidad fiscal para absorber los shocks en la zona euro.

Regions / Country
european union

Gobierno de Panamá dice reforma a seguridad social se implementará desde 2018

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El Economista (26.10.2016) Las reformas a la seguridad social de Panamá que surjan de un diálogo nacional que convocará el presidente del país, Juan Carlos Varela, "comenzarán a implementarse" durante su Gobierno, "a partir del 2018", dijo hoy el Ejecutivo.

Regions / Country
Social policies & programmes