Suisse: Réforme de l'AVS: La retraite des femmes à 65 ans, avec compensation

Submitted by fabbri on

TDG (28.06.2018) La nouvelle réforme de l'AVS fera grimper la TVA d'au plus 1,5%, mais elle n'épargnera pas les femmes. Dans le projet dévoilé jeudi, le Conseil fédéral confirme sa volonté de les faire travailler jusqu'à 65 ans, et ce sans compensation généreuse.

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España: El Gobierno ultima el decreto para recuperar la sanidad universal

Submitted by fabbri on

EL PAÍS (27.06.2018) La sanidad pública atenderá a todos los residentes en España por su condición de ciudadanos, no de asegurados que se han ganado la atención médica por cotizar a la Seguridad Social. Este es uno de los cambios fundamentales que prevé introducir el Ministerio de Sanidad en el real decreto por el que devolverá la atención sanitaria a los inmigrantes irregulares, según la documentación enviada por el departamento de la ministra Carmen Montón a las comunidades autónomas y a la que ha tenido acceso

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Social Accountability in the Delivery of Social Protection India Case Study

Submitted by massetti on

Development Pathways (May 2018) In their scope, and by the fact that they are legally required, the social audits in India’s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme are an unparalleled collective social accountability mechanism. In the state of Andhra Pradesh, social audits have been institutionalised and implemented across the state. This report, downloadable below, identifies the lessons for elsewhere.

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Global challenges
Programme evaluation


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What is happening with platform workers’ rights? Lessons from Belgium

Submitted by ruggia on (31.10.2017) The partnership between delivery platform Deliveroo and workers’ cooperative SMart has been terminated, sparking new debate over workers’ rights in the platform economy.

Regions / Country
Employment policies
Social policies & programmes
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

The Situation of Workers in the Collaborative Economy - European Perspective

Submitted by ruggia on

The collaborative economy (or “platform economy”), encompassing work-on-demand via apps like Uber and crowdwork like Amazon Mechanical Turk, has grown exponentially in recent years, thanks to the development of high-speed networks, the exploitation of big data and the availability of mobile devices, which have cut down transaction costs and allow for real-time effective matching of supply and demand.

Regions / Country
european union
Employment policies
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

The future of work in the EU

Submitted by ruggia on

Economic and technical changes are redrawing the map of the world of work: new jobs are appearing while others are becoming obsolete, and atypical work patterns are replacing full-time work and open-ended contracts. In addition, work is increasingly being carried out on online platforms connecting buyers and sellers, or by large project teams across borders and time zones.

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

The Social Protection of Workers in the Platform Economy - (European Perspective)

Submitted by ruggia on

European Parliament (Dec 2017)  This study investigates the social protection of workers in the platform economy at the request of the European Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs Committee. The report reviews literature and previous research on the platform economy with the aims of defining it and developing a typology for understanding its nature.

Regions / Country
european union
Employment policies
Social policies & programmes
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type