Le travail indépendant en pleine mutation en Europe

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EurActiv (02.07.2018) Le travail indépendant se diversifie en Europe, et touche de plus en plus de types d’activités. Une petite révolution qui pose des questions en matière de protection sociale.

Regions / Country
european union
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

France: Alan launches Alan Map to find doctors around you

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TechCrunch (04.07.2018) Health insurance startup Alan has launched a new product in France called Alan Map. It’s a dead simple way to find GPs, dentists, ophthalmologists and more around you.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

UK: Auto-enrolment ‘not a solution for self-employed workers’

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ipe.com (26.06.2018) The UK’s auto-enrolment system for workplace pensions should not be extended to include self-employed people, a lobby group for independent workers has said

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

China eager to embrace tech to meet overflowing health care demands

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 South China Morning Post (02.07.2018) Patients need to have plenty of patience, especially in China’s under-resourced health care system where rural parents often travel with their sick children to seek treatment at Beijing’s Children Hospital but end up having to literally camp outside because of a shortage of lodgings in the city, or where the needs of the ageing population are rising with more than 200 million people aged over 60, equivalent to the entire population of Indonesia.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Information and communication technology


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Internal impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Pour une politique de salaire minimum européen : perspectives et obstacles

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revue de l'IRES  : Lors de la campagne des élections européennes de 2014, Jean-Claude Juncker, alors tête de liste du Parti populaire européen (PPE) et aujourd’hui président de la Commission européenne, annonçait : « En tant que président de la Commission, je plaiderai pour que chaque État membre introduise un salaire minimum adapté à ses pratiques nationales de négociations salariales et à ses conditions économiques » (Juncker, 2014a).

Regions / Country
european union
Document Type

Older Russians fear pension reform will hit income

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Financial Times (02.07.2018) The Russian government announced its reform plans on the eve of the World Cup, distracting public attention from the shock. They are potentially one of the most far-reaching economic changes of President Vladimir Putin’s latest six-year term, following his re-election in March. But in the country’s poorer cities and regions fear and anger are building.

Regions / Country
Russian Federation
Global challenges
Document Type

Maroc: Conventions internationales de sécurité sociale : 80% des MRE désormais couverts

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Aujourd'hui le Maroc (01.07.2018) Au titre de l’année 2017, la Caisse a traité plus de 160.000 dossiers de remboursement. A cela s’ajoutent 8.516 dossiers concernant la retraite ou la pension de vieillesse. Ces chiffres montrent que les journées d’information qui sont menées par la CNSS tout au long de l’année ont porté leurs fruits.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage


Document Type

A Welcome Message from Distinguished Leaders for IFDM 2018 9th World Congress on Return-to-Work & Disability Management

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Ottawa Citizen (28.06.2918) The International Forum on Disability Management (IFDM) started with a vision: to gather leading representatives of stakeholders in disability management and return-to-work from all over the world in order to assemble global perspectives on consensus-based best practices, cutting edge research, successful disability management and return-to-work policies and programs.

Return to work


Document Type

UK: Hermes couriers are workers, not self-employed, tribunal rules

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The Guardian (25.06.2018) A group of Hermes couriers have won their fight to be treated as workers instead of independent contractors in what has been described as one of the most significant victories against exploitation of gig-economy workers.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

European Union: Coordination of social security systems: Council agrees general approach

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europa.eu (21.06.2018) The revision of the regulations on coordination of social security systems aims at modernising the rules by bringing them in line with the development of national social security systems, as well as making them clearer, fairer and simpler to enforce. This will make it easier for people to move freely within the EU.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social policies & programmes
Document Type