Deutschland: Auch im Home-Office unfallversichert

Submitted by mmarquez on (19.03.2020) Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Krise ermöglichen viele Arbeitgeber ihren Beschäftigten, von zuhause aus zu arbeiten. Was ist, wenn im häuslichen Umfeld ein Unfall passiert? Wann ist es ein Arbeitsunfall und wann nicht? Grundsätzlich gilt: Ein Unfall infolge einer versicherten Tätigkeit ist ein Arbeitsunfall und steht damit unter dem Schutz der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases
Safety and health at work


Document Type

France: Un report du paiement des cotisations sociales

Submitted by mmarquez on (19.03.2020) Selon les informations communiquées sur le site de l’Urssaf, la prochaine échéance mensuelle de paiement des cotisations sociales personnelles (le 20 mars) des artisans, commerçants et professionnels libéraux ne sera pas prélevée. Le montant des cotisations dues sera ainsi lissé sur les échéances de paiement à venir, à savoir d’avril à décembre. Par ailleurs, ces travailleurs non salariés peuvent solliciter auprès de l’Urssaf :

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance


Document Type

Russia: Decree approving the Interim Rules for processing sick leave certificates, the appointment and payment of temporary disability benefits in case of quarantine

Submitted by mmarquez on (19.03.2020) Citizens who are quarantined after a trip abroad can apply for an electronic sick leave through the Unified Portal of Public Services. The government approved temporary rules for processing sick leave certificates, appointments and sick leave payments during the quarantine period. The document applies to persons who arrived in Russia from countries where cases of new coronavirus infection were registered, as well as to persons living with them.

Regions / Country
Russian Federation
Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits
Document Type

Global: Corona Advice for Vision Zero Companies and Partners

Submitted by mmarquez on (20.03.2020) The Corona outbreak makes us face a new challenge at the workplace. The seven Golden Rules provide useful guidance to address occupational risks at work, which should not be neglected. Vision Zero, promotes a participatory approach amongst employers and workers at the workplace. The Corona crisis shows again how important it is to work together and act responsibly. Below you will find some information for employers and workers on protective measures regarding the coronavirus.

Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases
Safety and health at work
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type