Opinion: How to support the self-employed through the pandemic
Financial Times (25.03.2020) Disruptions caused by coronavirus have exposed the gaps in the welfare system
Financial Times (25.03.2020) Disruptions caused by coronavirus have exposed the gaps in the welfare system
Eurofound (19.03.2020) The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is starting to have a serious impact on the world economy. The consequences for platform workers are especially severe in light of forced work stoppages due to self-isolation and lack of sick pay in many cases. Recent media coverage shows that platform workers in the transport sector (ride hailing and food delivery) are most affected, while professional services performed online (such as remote consultations with health professionals) could help to reduce the pressure on health systems.
canada.ca (25.03.2020)
Ottawa’s measures will reduce the amount Canadians will be mandated to withdraw by 25 per cent this year amid concerns seniors will be forced to sell assets into a heavily discounted market, thus reducing the potential long-term value of their retirement portfolios in the event of an equity market resurgence. The Canadian government said the measure would cost $495 million of its $82-billion economic response plan announced on Wednesday.
canada.ca (23.03.2020)
A new Indigenous Community Support Fund
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, on March 18, 2020, the Government of Canada announced the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan. This plan includes $305 million for a new, distinctions-based Indigenous Community Support Fund to address immediate needs in First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities. This funding will also provide support to regional, urban and off-reserve Indigenous organizations.
canada.ca (23.03.2020) The new Canada Emergency Response Benefit: We will provide a taxable benefit of $2,000 a month for up to 4 months to:
canada.ca (25.03.2020) Support for individuals and families: Increasing the Canada Child Benefit. We are providing an extra $300 per child through the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) for 2019-20. This will mean approximately $550 more for the average family. This benefit will be delivered as part of the scheduled CCB payment in May.
bbc.com (25.03.2020)
euractiv.com (15.03.2020) Denmark’s government told private companies struggling with drastic measures to curb the spread of coronavirus that it would cover 75% of employees’ salaries, if they promised not to cut staff. Under the three-month aid period that will last until June 9, the state offers to pay 75% of employees’ salaries at a maximum of 23,000 Danish crowns ($3,418) per month, while the companies pay the remaining 25%. “If there’s a big drop in activity, and production is halted, we understand the need to send home employees.
colombia.com (18.03.2020)
Iván Duque señaló que se implementarán medidas para la población más vulnerable, por lo que se les realizarán giros adicionales a todos los beneficiaron de los programas Familias en Acción, Jóvenes en Acción, y Adulto Mayor.
ilo.org (25.03.2020) This brief outlines the implications of the Covid-19 crisis for national social protection systems and highlights specific social protection responses taken in countries in the Asia and Pacific region. It builds on a more comprehensive ILO Brief which offers policy considerations regarding the role of social protection in responding to the possible impacts of COVID-19 crisis.