Coronavirus: So lässt sich das Infektionsrisiko für das Fahrpersonal senken — BG Verkehr

Submitted by btreichel on

Der Güterkraftverkehr und andere in der BG Verkehr versicherte Branchen der Verkehrswirtschaft nehmen in der derzeitigen Lage eine Schlüsselrolle ein. Sie sorgen dafür, dass die Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Gütern und Waren unterbrechungsfrei gewährleistet ist. Dazu müssen sich Mitarbeitende der Unternehmen auch in Risikogebiete begeben. Aufgabe der Unternehmen ist es, die Mitarbeitenden bestmöglich vor einer Infektion durch das Coronavirus zu schützen.

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Occupational accidents and diseases
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Italy: Recommendations for the protection of Health workers

Submitted by pgirard on

ROME - "Covid-19 and protection of health workers" is online, the second edition of the document published by the Inail which contains indications to protect the health and safety of this category of workers, at the forefront of the fight against the health emergency in course in our country, caused by the spread of the new coronavirus. The information was updated taking into account the constant evolution of the epidemiological situation.

Regions / Country
Prevention of occupational risks

Coronavirus, doctors, nurses and health care workers are covered by INAIL

Submitted by btreichel on

ROME - The new Coronavirus infections of doctors, nurses and other employees of the National Health Service and of any other public or private health facility insured with Inail, which occurred in the work environment or due to the performance of the work activity, are fully protected as accidents at work. Iinsurance protection also extends to cases in which the identification of the specific causes and working methods of the infection is problematic.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Document Type

Italy: Coronavirus, the infections of doctors, nurses and health care workers protected against accidents at work

Submitted by mmarquez on (17.03.2020)  The new Coronavirus infections of doctors, nurses and other employees of the National Health Service and of any other public or private health facility insured with Inail, which occurred in the work environment or due to the performance of the work activity, are fully protected as accidents at work.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases


Document Type

Australia unveils 'job keeper' payments to keep economy running

Submitted by pmassetti on

Reuters (30.03.2020) Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Monday committed a A$130 billion ($79.86 billion) package to help save jobs as shockwaves from the coronavirus pandemic rip through the economy. The package includes a A$1,500 ($923.10) “job keeper” payment to be paid to employers every two weeks, for each worker under the scheme.

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