Bermuda: Lump-Sum Withdrawals for Occupational Pension Plans for members younger than the retirement age

Submitted by mmarquez on (01.06.2020) For members from certain occupational pension plans that are younger than age 65 (the normal retirement age) and who are not yet retired may request one-time withdrawals of up to B$12,000 (US$12,000) from their account balances. The deadline for requests is June 30, 2021, and pension plan administrators must process the withdrawals within 20 business days after approving a request. This measure is part of an economic relief package for persons affected by the COVID-19.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions


Document Type

Costa Rica: Se fomenta el teletrabajo para asegurar continuidad de servicios

Submitted by mmarquez on (09.03.2020) Se insta a las instancias ministeriales y de la administración pública descentralizada a adoptar la modalidad de teletrabjo temporalmente, y a coordinar los equipos para asegurarse que los trabajadores cuenten con las condiciones necesarias para seguir con sus tareas. Se insta, asismismo, al sector privado a adoptar las mismas medidas.

Regions / Country
costa rica
Global challenges
Human resource management
Document Type

Costa Rica: Reglamento de la suspensión temporal de trabajo por COVID-19

Submitted by mmarquez on (20.03.2020) El Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (MTSS) considera como razón válida de la suspensión de contratos de trabajo por consecuencia de la emergecia presentada por el COVID-19.

Regions / Country
costa rica
Global challenges


Document Type

More than US$1 billion in coronavirus relief payments sent to dead Americans: report

Submitted by pmassetti on (25.06.2020) Nearly 1.1 million coronavirus relief payments totaling some US$1.4 billion went to dead people, a government watchdog reported Thursday. Legal and political issues hang over the misdirected taxpayer funds, the latest example of errors in massive aid being dispensed at crisis speed.

Regions / Country
United States
Error, evasion and fraud


Document Type

Opinion: Uber Rides Cost More? OK

Submitted by pmassetti on

The New York Times (27.06.2020) Many gig-based business models help customers take advantage of workers. Let’s stop giving tech companies a free ride.

Regions / Country
United States
Extension of coverage
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

Japan: COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA)

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (26.06.2020) The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has developed a new coronavirus contact confirmation application (COCOA)  to help prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections. This application uses the smartphone's proximity communication function (Bluetooth), with the consent of the user himself, to ensure privacy so that they do not know each other. The user will receive the notification that they have come into contact with a person who is positive for the new coronavirus infection.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Health promotion
Technological transition
Document Type

Morocco: The Ministry of Health is launching the mobile application "Wiqaytna" for notification of exposure to this virus

Submitted by siha on

The Ministry of Health (01.06.2020) The Ministry of Health is launching the mobile application for notification of exposure to this virus, called "Wiqaytna" available from June 1, 2020 for download on Google Play, App store, and on .

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Document Type

Morocco: The Ministry of Health is launching its digital community platform for health professionals

Submitted by siha on

The Ministry of Health (30.03.2020) The Ministry of Health is launching its digital community platform for health professionals from both the public and private sectors "Sante connect": This new application, available on Android and IOS, aims to create a new dynamic of strictly channeled communication with health professionals, with a view to allowing them real-time access to news and medical training.

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Service quality
Document Type