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Bolivia Emprende (17.04.2020) EXPANSION OF THE FAMILIES BONUS to students of the Fiscal and Agreement Educational Units of the Education Area for Young and Adult People of the Alternative and Special Education Subsystem; The Private Educational Units of the initial, primary and secondary levels.

covid19, Non-contributory Family benefits, Social assistance bolivia
N. Macedonia to grant interest-free loans to coronavirus-hit MSMEs socpro covid19 Contribution collection and compliance, Employment North Macedonia
Policy Responses to COVID-19 socpro covid19, Non-contributory Cash transfers vietnam
Policy Responses to COVID-19 socpro covid19, Non-contributory Cash transfers vietnam
PhilHealth to release P30 billion to hospitals to fight CoViD-19 socpro covid19 Health, Contribution collection and compliance philippines, the
PhilHealth to release P30 billion to hospitals to fight CoViD-19 socpro covid19 Health
Gov’t economic team rolls out P27.1 B package vs COVID-19 pandemic socpro covid19 Unemployment
DTI sets 30-day grace period for residential, commercial rent socpro covid19 Housing
P5,000 aid during lockdown covers contractual, on-probation private workers, says DOLE socpro covid19 Cash transfers philippines, the
Policy Responses to COVID-19 socpro covid19, Non-contributory Cash transfers, Social assistance, Family benefits bosnia-herzegovina
COVID-19 Pandemic is a Crisis like no other, it feels like a War, and in many ways it is socpro covid19, Non-contributory Unemployment bosnia-herzegovina
President Barrow approves 500 Million Dalasis Emergency Fund For Coronavirus Response socpro covid19 Health gambia
Sattler: EU will prepare a Special Program of Support for Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina socpro covid19, Non-contributory Health bosnia-herzegovina
Covid-19: C/d’Ivoire set 95bn CFA response plan socpro covid19 Health, Health insurance, Financing côte d'ivoire
Employment legislation will be simplified socpro covid19 Unemployment czech republic
WHO expert group concludes Iran trip, says country's anti-epidemic work "in the right direction" socpro covid19 Health iran
Supporting livelihoods during the COVID-19 crisis: closing the gaps in safety nets pmassetti

oecd (20.05.2020) This policy brief discusses the measures countries have taken to support the livelihoods of those who cannot access unemployment benefits or short-term work schemes. It examines the raft of new programmes introduced across the OECD and beyond, including means-tested assistance, new cash transfer schemes, and direct support for those struggling to meet their expenses. It also discusses how to close social protection gaps beyond the crisis to ensure inclusive growth post-COVID-19.Supporting livelihoods during the COVID-19crisis: closing the gaps in safety nets

covid19, self-employed Unemployment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers
Spain set to introduce permanent basic income scheme to rebuild economy post-coronavirus pmassetti (19.05.2020) Up to a million Spanish families could soon receive an ongoing monthly payment to help them through the coronavirus crisis as the country’s government looks set to approve a €3 billion ($A5 billion) basic income scheme. The program, targeting low or no income families, will likely remain beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, which is expected to push the unemployment rate to more than 20 per cent in the country of almost 47 million people, according to the International Monetary Fund. 

covid19, universal-basic-income Cash transfers spain
France: Une 5e branche de la Sécurité sociale en préparation pmassetti

Le HuffPost (20.05.2020) Le gouvernement va proposer la création d’une cinquième branche de la Sécurité sociale pour faire face aux dépenses liées à la perte d’autonomie

New Vision Zero self-check tool: Wellbeing and teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic | Vision Zero btreichel

The japanese company IDEC, an Vision Zero Supporter who signed up on the Vision Zero website to promote safety, health and wellbeing, has developed this interesting tool to manage wellbeing in times of COVID-19. Leveraging the Vision Zero philosophy to ensure Safety, Health, and Wellbeing, this checklist tool is based on the 7 Golden Rules. It focusses on the Vision Zero aspects of wellbeing, such as a ‘lack of control’ or a ‘lack of social support’ while working remotely, as well as other factors that define wellbeing at home. It is designed around IDEC’s core values being integrity, innovation, communication, passion and harmony. A first test was conducted and the checklist was sent to over 1300 employees that currently work from home. The initial survey result showed a gradualpositive trend in the overall wellbeing of its employees, but also helped IDEC to identify areas of improvements.

Download the tool here.

behavioural science, covid19, prevention Health promotion, Prevention of occupational risks japan
Aruba: Reduction in working hours mmarquez (23.04.2020) During these difficult times, the Government allows businesses to reduce working hours to 0 or pay employees for the hours worked. This means that even if an employee has not been laid off, the employee can see a decline in income or lose income.

covid19 Unemployment aruba
España: Hispabot: un chatbot para resolver dudas sobre COVID19 mmarquez (08.05.2029) El Gobierno de España ha puesto en marcha un asistente virtual llamado “Hispabot-Covid19”, que permite a los ciudadanos realizar preguntas relacionadas con la COVID-19 vía WhatsApp.

customer_services Health, Service delivery spain
España: "Chatbot" para consultas inmediatas sobre los trámites de la seguridad social mmarquez (20.03.2020) La Seguridad Social ha puesto a disposición de ciudadanos y trabajadores su propio asistente virtual para proporcionar información útil y orientar a los  ciudadanos sobre los servicios más demandados de la Seguridad Social. Este servicio “chatbot” está accesible desde la portada de la página web de la Seguridad Social pinchando sobre una ventana flotante con el texto “¿te ayudamos?” en el margen inferior derecho de la pantalla siendo la interacción por escrito en lugar de mediante la voz.

covid19 E-services spain
España: Medidas excepcionales para usuarios sin medios de autenticación electrónicos mmarquez (23.04.2020) Para poder dar respuesta a la necesidad de presentación de escritos, comunicaciones o solicitudes de carácter urgente e imprescindible, en aquellos casos en los que el ciudadano no dispone de medios de autenticación electrónicos (certificado digital y cl@ve), se ha habilitado una opción a través de la web de forma que cualquier interesado puede presentar escritos y solicitudes mediante el  acceso  “sin certificado”.

customer_services E-services, Service delivery spain
España: Servicio CASIA para reforzar la atención del RED mmarquez (22.04.2020) Para reforzar la atención que se presta al autorizado RED con el fin de proporcionar una asistencia acorde con las necesidades de este colectivo y que potencie la utilización del canal telemático, se ha puesto a disposición de los autorizados RED un nuevo servicio denominado CASIA  (Coordinación, Atención y Soporte Integral al Autorizado RED) que está disponible en la Oficina Virtual del Sistema RED y a través del cual se pueden plantear consultas, comunicar errores o incidencias, así como presentar solicitudes de trámites.

customer_services E-services, Service delivery spain