
¿Los millennials ven a los robots como una amenaza para sus empleos o profesiones?

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Merca20 (26.09.2017) El tema de la presencia de los robots y bots en la industria reporta un crecimiento importante desde hace varios años, sectores como el automotriz, farmacéutico, manufacturero, el de seguridad, incluso los hemos visto en periodismo y publicidad. Esto ha hecho surgir la pregunta si en algún momento sustituiría a los humanos.

Employment of young workers
Technological transition
Old_Global Challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Document Type

France: Robotisation : 8 employeurs sur 10 prévoient une perte globale d’emplois

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Express (01.09.2017) Près d’un employeur sur deux pensent que l’impact de la robotisation et la numérisation se manifestera déjà d’ici trois à cinq ans, indique une enquête effectuée par le groupe de services RH ACERTA auprès de 469 CEO et membres de la direction.

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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

Au-delà des fantasmes, quels sont les problèmes concrets que pose l’intelligence artificielle ?

Submitted by ruggia on (03.08.2017) Les récents progrès de ces technologies posent, dès à présent, des questions moins spectaculaires, mais bien plus concrètes.

Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Millennials see robots as job creators rather than a threat

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EurActiv (28.08.2017) Young people remain optimistic about the impact of robots and artificial intelligence in the work place, as a large majority of them believe that more jobs will be created than will disappear, according to a global poll published on Monday (28 August).

Regions / Country
european union
Employment of young workers

For robots to work with people, they must understand people

Submitted by lasalle on (17.07.2017) Direct interaction between robots and humans at work is changing the face—or rather the arms—of manufacturing. Such interaction also means that roboticists need to design effective team mates as well as efficient workers. Cobots operate in a realm where human thoughts, human modes of communication and human safety are paramount. Rethink Robotics, a firm in Boston, had this in mind when it developed Sawyer, a one-armed cobot, and his two-armed colleague, Baxter (both pictured above). These robots are not the isolated moving arms of an assembly-line ’bot.

Occupational accidents and diseases
Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Business processes
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Reverence for Robots: Japanese Workers Treasure Automation

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AP (16.08.2017) The debate over machines snatching jobs from people is muted in Japan, where birth rates have been sinking for decades, raising fears of a labor shortage.

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Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
Document Type

Technology, jobs, and the future of work

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McKinsey Global Institute (31.05.2017) Automation, digital platforms, and other innovations are changing the fundamental nature of work. Understanding these shifts can help policy makers, business leaders, and workers move forward. The world of work is in a state of flux, which is causing considerable anxiety—and with good reason. There is growing polarization of labor-market opportunities between high- and low-skill jobs, unemployment and underemployment especially among young people, stagnating incomes for a large proportion of households, and income inequality.

Employment of young workers
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Large-scale automation
Document Type

Moody's: Emerging markets' ability to adapt to technology crucial as robotics use surges

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Global Credit Research - 17 May 2017 New York, May 17, 2017 -- The accelerating adoption of robotics in manufacturing in some of the worlds' more advanced economies could pose challenges to emerging market exporters that have benefited from their comparative advantage of lower cost, high skilled labor, says Moody's Investors Service in a report.

Regions / Country
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Moody's: Emerging markets' ability to adapt to technology crucial as robotics use surges

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Global Credit Research (17.05.2017)  The accelerating adoption of robotics in manufacturing in some of the worlds' more advanced economies could pose challenges to emerging market exporters that have benefited from their comparative advantage of lower cost, high skilled labor, says Moody's Investors Service in a report.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type